我有一个 Silverlight 5 应用程序,它调用 OData 服务(SharePoint 2010 中包含的 OOTB 服务)以从列表中拉回数据。该站点使用 Windows 身份验证进行保护。当我运行测试时,系统会提示我登录,但结果总是说结果集中返回的结果为零。
现在这很奇怪。我知道列表中有数据(当我手动插入 OData 请求 URL 时,我看到结果在浏览器中返回)。当我在运行测试时观看 Fiddler 时,我看到一些对 clientaccesspolicy.xml 的请求(都导致 401 响应)......然后我登录并成功获取了 clientaccesspolicy.xml 文件。但是,即使应用程序说它运行查询并返回零结果,我也没有在 Fiddler 中看到实际的 OData 服务请求(在成功调用 clientaccesspolicy.xml 后什么都没有。
private DataServiceCollection<InstructorsItem> _dataCollection = new DataServiceCollection<InstructorsItem>();
private Action<IEnumerable<Instructor>> _callbackWithData;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves a list of instructors from the data service.
/// </summary>
public void GetInstructors(Action<IEnumerable<Instructor>> callback) {
// save callbacks
_callbackWithData = callback;
// get the instructors
var query = from instructor in IntranetContext.Instructors
select instructor;
// execute query
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves instructors from the data source based on the specified query.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="query">Query to execute</param>
private void RunQuery(IQueryable<InstructorsItem> query) {
// clear the collection & register the load completed method
_dataCollection.LoadCompleted += OnLoadDataCompleted;
// fire the load
/// <summary>
/// Handler when the data has been loaded from the service.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
void OnLoadDataCompleted(object sender, LoadCompletedEventArgs e) {
// remove the event handler preventing double loads
_dataCollection.LoadCompleted -= OnLoadDataCompleted;
// convert the data to a generic list of objects
var results = _dataCollection.ToList<InstructorsItem>();
// TODO: convert results to local objects
List<Instructor> convertedResults = new List<Instructor>();
foreach (var item in results) {
convertedResults.Add(new Instructor() {
SharePointId = item.Id,
Name = item.Title
// run the callback
[Description("Test loading instructors from the OData Intranet service.")]
public void TestGetInstructors() {
bool asyncCallCompleted = false;
List<Instructor> result = null;
// call data service
_dataService.GetInstructors(asyncResult => {
asyncCallCompleted = true;
result = new List<Instructor>(asyncResult);
// run test when call completed
EnqueueConditional(() => asyncCallCompleted);
() => Assert.IsTrue(result.Count > 0, "Didn't retrieve any instructors."));
我一生都无法弄清楚(1)为什么当它说没有错误时我没有看到查询出现在 Fiddler 中,实际上它说运行测试时错误为零。