In an Oracle database, I have a bulk of expressions that should be calculated using a .Net library. What I've done so far is creating a windows service that fetches the expressions from a queue, processes them and the write the result.

I wonder if I could find a more efficient way, since many records could be inserted every second, so I'm afraid of a performance issues later.

I though about moving this processing to an Oracle Job, but calculating the expression should be made in a .Net library; and I have no clue whether it's possible to use a .Net library in an Oracle procedure.

Is the .Net service with the queue the best option, or is there any other options?


1 回答 1


根据评论,我认为您将能够使用 Oracle Database Extensions for .NET ( docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/win.111/b28376/intro.htm )。这允许您以与 UDF 类似的方式使用 .NET,并且应该可以完成您所需要的。仔细评估性能并确保 .NET 代码足够健壮,不会对 Oracle 服务器本身造成问题。我已经看到使用一些非托管对象与 MSSQL 一起使用的类似方法,它会导致问题。

于 2012-05-17T09:43:32.397 回答