我一直在尝试 Simpy 手册中的总线故障示例,我真的很难理解为什么当我创建多个总线实例时,最后一个实例似乎在第一次修复后得到“顺序”。我已经修改了手册中的示例代码,略低于 initialize() 语句,以创建两个 Bus 实例(Bus1 和 Bus2)。这是我的代码:

from SimPy.Simulation import *

class Bus(Process):

  def operate(self,repairduration,triplength):    # PEM
     tripleft = triplength
        # "tripleft" is the driving time to finish trip
        # if there are no further breakdowns
     while tripleft > 0:
        yield hold,self,tripleft      # try to finish the trip
            # if a breakdown intervenes
        if self.interrupted():
              print self.interruptCause.name, 'at %s' %now()
                # update driving time to finish
                # the trip if no more breakdowns
              self.interruptReset()        # end self-interrupted state
                # update next breakdown time
                # impose delay for repairs on self
              yield hold,self,repairduration
              print '%s repaired at %s' %(self.name, now())
        else:   # no breakdowns intervened, so bus finished trip
     print 'Bus has arrived at %s' %now()

class Breakdown(Process):
   def __init__(self,myBus):
       Process.__init__(self,name='Breakdown '+myBus.name)

   def breakBus(self,interval):      # Process Execution Method
       while True:
          yield hold,self,interval   # driving time between breakdowns
          if self.bus.terminated(): break
            # signal "self.bus" to break itself down

for i in range(1,5):
  b=Bus('Bus%s' %i)                   # create a Bus object "b" called "Bus"
      # create a Breakdown object "br" for bus "b", and
      # activate it with driving time between
      # breakdowns equal to 300

print 'SimPy: No more events at time %s' %now()


Breakdown Bus1 at 300
Breakdown Bus2 at 300
Bus1 repaired at 320
Bus2 repaired at 320
Breakdown Bus1 at 600
Bus1 repaired at 620
Breakdown Bus2 at 620
Bus2 repaired at 640
Breakdown Bus1 at 900
Bus1 repaired at 920
Breakdown Bus2 at 920
Bus2 repaired at 940
Bus has arrived at 1060
Bus has arrived at 1060
SimPy: No more events at time 1240

现在,问题是:在 t=600 点,为什么 1 号巴士在 2 号巴士发生故障之前就修好了?我原以为两辆巴士都会发生故障并以“锁定步骤”进行维修。此外,如果我创建四个总线,前三个失败并在“锁定步骤”中得到修复,如下所示;但是,在第一次维修后,4 号巴士在 20 点前下车。我无法弄清楚为什么会发生这种情况,并且希望任何人都可以提供任何见解。它总是发生在最后一个实例上。

Breakdown Bus1 at 300
Breakdown Bus2 at 300
Breakdown Bus3 at 300
Breakdown Bus4 at 300
Bus1 repaired at 320
Bus2 repaired at 320
Bus3 repaired at 320
Bus4 repaired at 320
Breakdown Bus1 at 600
Breakdown Bus2 at 600
Breakdown Bus3 at 600
Bus1 repaired at 620
Bus2 repaired at 620
Bus3 repaired at 620
Breakdown Bus4 at 620
Bus4 repaired at 640
Breakdown Bus1 at 900
Breakdown Bus2 at 900
Breakdown Bus3 at 900
Bus1 repaired at 920
Bus2 repaired at 920
Bus3 repaired at 920
Breakdown Bus4 at 920
Bus4 repaired at 940
Bus has arrived at 1060
Bus has arrived at 1060
Bus has arrived at 1060
Bus has arrived at 1060
SimPy: No more events at time 1240



1 回答 1


这似乎按预期工作。分解过程必须在 Bus 类中初始化和激活。

from SimPy.Simulation import *

class Bus(Process):

  def __init__(self,name):
    self.name = name

  def operate(self,repairduration,triplength):    # PEM
     tripleft = triplength
     while tripleft > 0:
        yield hold,self,tripleft      # try to finish the trip
        if self.interrupted():
              print self.interruptCause.name, 'at %s' %now()
              self.interruptReset()        # end self-interrupted state
                # update next breakdown time
              yield hold,self,repairduration
              print '%s repaired at %s' %(self.name, now())
        else:   # no breakdowns intervened, so bus finished trip
     print 'Bus has arrived at %s' %now()

class Breakdown(Process):
   def __init__(self,myBus):
       Process.__init__(self,name='Breakdown '+myBus.name)

   def breakBus(self,interval):      # Process Execution Method
       while True:
          yield hold,self,interval   # driving time between breakdowns
          if self.bus.terminated(): break
            # signal "self.bus" to break itself down


for i in range(1,5):
  b=Bus('Bus%s' %i)

print 'SimPy: No more events at time %s' %now()

这会导致四个 Bus 实例同时中断并同时被修复,如以下输出所示:

Breakdown Bus1 at 300
Breakdown Bus2 at 300
Breakdown Bus3 at 300
Breakdown Bus4 at 300
Bus1 repaired at 320
Bus2 repaired at 320 
Bus3 repaired at 320
Bus4 repaired at 320
Breakdown Bus1 at 600
Breakdown Bus2 at 600
Breakdown Bus3 at 600
Breakdown Bus4 at 600
Bus1 repaired at 620
Bus2 repaired at 620
Bus3 repaired at 620
Bus4 repaired at 620
Breakdown Bus1 at 900
Breakdown Bus2 at 900
Breakdown Bus3 at 900
Breakdown Bus4 at 900
Bus1 repaired at 920
Bus2 repaired at 920
Bus3 repaired at 920
Bus4 repaired at 920
Bus has arrived at 1060
Bus has arrived at 1060
Bus has arrived at 1060
Bus has arrived at 1060
SimPy: No more events at time 1200
于 2012-05-17T13:38:22.870 回答