当用户将项目从一个列表转移到另一个列表时,我想更新 bean 中的列表。有没有办法做到这一点?
在 xhtml 中:
<p:pickList value="#{myBean.myDepartment}" onTransfer="handleTransfer(e)"....>
List<Department> selectedDepartments = new ArrayList<Department>();
List<Department> availableDepartments = getAvailableDepartments();
private DualListModel<Department> myDepartment;
myDepartment = new DualListModel<Department>(availableDepartments, selectedDepartments);
提交时,可以使用 selectedDepartments 访问用户选择的部门
<script type="text/javascript">
function handleTransfer(e) {
item = e.item;
fromList = e.from;
toList = e.to;
type = e.type; //type of transfer; command, dblclick or dragdrop)
I don't exactly know what do you want. This is done automatically same as if you type something into p:inputText
it is available in beans property representing the value of p:inputText
without need of manual update.
Just access the updated values in your pickList
with getTarget()
or getSource()
methods. You are probably trying to access lists
which you provided to DualListModel
directly like:
DualListModel<fooType> fooModel = new DualListModel<fooType>(fooList1,fooList2);
// transfer item
// check if fooList2 is updated - this is wrong, it is **not** updated
fooModel.getTarget(); // this way you can get the actual values of target list
- right side, source
- left side of a pickList