I need to get vtpVlanState results on MIB-2. I need the vlan indexes that this object returns and I need to know whether this vlan is active.

The reason I want to do this in mib-2 is because I want to do the same command(snmp) in all the switches and not only on cisco.

Is there anyway to do that?

thank you!


1 回答 1


您无法从 MIB-II 获取 VTP 信息。VTP 是 Cisco 专有协议,MIB-II(由 IETF 在RFC 1213中指定)不支持专有协议


如果您正在寻找 IETF MIB 来轮询设备 Vlan 定义,请查看dot1qVlanStatusQ -BRIDGE-MIB

于 2012-05-16T14:18:37.513 回答