我希望我的 Windows 在加载后立即连接到 VPN 服务器。我如何使用 Powershell 来做到这一点?


4 回答 4


试试这个适用于 Windows 10

    $vpnName = "YOUR_VPN_NAME";
    $vpn = Get-VpnConnection -Name $vpnName;
    if($vpn.ConnectionStatus -eq "Disconnected"){
    rasdial $vpnName;
于 2017-07-06T20:27:41.047 回答


我还没有测试它是否有效。我安装了PowerShell V3 Beta - 可能需要运行这些命令。

Register-ScheduledJob -name ConnectVPN -ScriptBlock { & rasphone MyVpnConnection 
$trigger = New-JobTrigger -AtLogOn
Add-JobTrigger -Name ConnectVPN -Trigger $trigger
Get-ScheduledJob -Name ConnectVPN | Get-JobTrigger
于 2012-05-16T14:34:53.437 回答

除了其他答案外,Windows 10 还通过名为 Always On 的配置原生支持此功能。有关始终开启的更多详细信息,请访问https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/access-protection/vpn/vpn-auto-trigger-profile

您可以通过 MDM 甚至使用 WMI/Powershell 进行部署


VPN 2 CSP:https ://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/client-management/mdm/vpnv2-csp

CSP 到 WMI 桥:https ://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/client-management/mdm/using-powershell-scripting-with-the-wmi-bridge-provider

于 2017-11-01T06:47:20.200 回答

Windows VPN 设置中的“自动连接”复选框对我来说效果很好。但是在配置拆分隧道以连接到锁定到 VPN IP 地址的 VM 后,需要断开/重新连接 VPN 连接才能生效。问题在于rasdial /disconnect禁用 AutoTrigger 设置。以下似乎可以重新启用自动触发。

在此处设置特定的 VPN 配置文件名称或使用从 Get-VpnConnection 返回的第一个:

$vpnProfileName = Get-VpnConnection | select -first 1 -ExpandProperty Name


# Enable split-tunneling to a specific address
# Name of VM restricted to VPN IP addresses
$vmName = "myserver.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com"
$ip = $(Resolve-DnsName -name $vmName  | where section -eq answer).IPAddress
Add-VpnConnectionRoute -Name $vpnProfileName -DestinationPrefix "$ip/32"

# Rasdial disconnect will turn off AutoTriggering
rasdial $vpnProfileName /disconnect

# Check VPN status
Get-VpnConnection | select Name, IsAutoTriggerEnabled, ConnectionStatus

重新启用自动触发并启动 VPN 连接:

# Remove Disabled Profile
$disabledProfiles = [string[]](Get-ItemPropertyValue HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\RasMan\Config -name AutoTriggerDisabledProfilesList)
$disabledProfiles = $disabledProfiles | where { $_ -ne $vpnProfileName }
Set-ItemProperty HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\RasMan\Config -name AutoTriggerDisabledProfilesList -Type MultiString -Value $disabledProfiles

# Remove AutoTriggeringDisabled
Remove-ItemProperty HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\RasMan\Config -name AutoTriggeringDisabled 

# Add trigger to a process that is certain to be running. Will trigger on process launch as well as if it is already running.
# Adding trigger even it already exists seems to be necessary to get it to trigger after rasdial /disconnect
Add-VpnConnectionTriggerApplication -Name $vpnProfileName –ApplicationID "C:\Windows\explorer.exe" -ErrorAction Ignore 

# Check VPN status
Get-VpnConnection | select Name, IsAutoTriggerEnabled, ConnectionStatus
于 2021-09-15T09:18:17.790 回答