我目前在单击链接时会出现一个弹出框。我遇到的问题是链接大约在页面的一半处,当我单击链接时,覆盖高度不是 100%,并且该框出现在从页面顶部向下 80px 处。无论我制作什么尺寸的页面(与我的宽度一样),我都想以某种方式使框叠加高度为 100%(与我的宽度相同)并且有框,因此相对于我当时在页面上可以看到的内容,它距离屏幕顶部 80px而不是第一次加载页面时。
//Popup dialog
function popup(message) {
// get the screen height and width
var maskHeight = $(document).height();
var maskWidth = $(window).width();
// calculate the values for center alignment
var dialogLeft = (maskWidth/2) - ($('#dialog-box').width())/2;
// Set overlay to fill screen
// Set dialogue box 80px from top and central
$('#dialog-box').css({top:80, left:dialogLeft}).fadeIn();
// display the message
// Close button fades out overlay and message
return false;
window.onresize = function() {
var maskWidth = $(window).width();
var dialogLeft = (maskWidth/2) - ($('#dialog-box').width())/2;
$('#dialog-box').css({top:80, left:dialogLeft});
//Popup about location box
function popup(message) {
// get the screen height and width
var maskHeight = $(document).height();
var maskWidth = $(window).width();
// calculate the values for center alignment
var dialogLeft = (maskWidth/2) - ($('#dialog-box').width()/2);
var dialogTop = (maskHeight/2) - ($('#dialog-box').height()/2);
// Set overlay to fill screen
// Set dialogue box 80px from top and central
$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 500);
$('#dialog-box').css({top:80, left:dialogLeft}).delay(500).fadeIn();
// display the message
// Close button fades out overlay and message
return false;
window.onresize = function() {
var maskWidth = $(window).width();
var dialogLeft = (maskWidth/2) - ($('#dialog-box').width())/2;
$('#dialog-box').css({top:80, left:dialogLeft});