我在 iPhone 应用程序中收到错误 0x8badf00d,这不是通常的嫌疑人



我正在开发一个通用应用程序,它在我用来测试它的每台设备(iPhone 3GS、iPhone 4、iPhone 4S、iPad 2 和 iPod Touch 4G)上运行良好。但是一些客户报告说应用程序在启动时关闭(也在不同的型号和 iOS 版本中,所以似乎没有共同因素。我的意思是,应用程序不会只在特定的设备型号/iOS 版本中失败)。

其中一位非常好心,他给了我事故报告员。这似乎是一个常见的 0x8badf00d 问题(我必须以某种方式优化启动,以便 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions 尽快返回,我知道)。重新启动设备,在后台/暂停中关闭其他应用程序,然后它就可以工作了。这是崩溃报告器(我不知道为什么它没有像下面发布的第二个崩溃报告器那样被符号化。我在 Xcode 管理器上导入了它,我有必要的文件来符号化):

Date/Time:       2012-05-15 00:42:19.074 +0200
OS Version:      iPhone OS 5.0.1 (9A405)
Report Version:  104

Exception Type:  00000020
Exception Codes: 0x8badf00d
Highlighted Thread:  0

Application Specific Information:
com.myApp.free failed to resume in time

Elapsed total CPU time (seconds): 2.400 (user 2.400, system 0.000), 12% CPU 
Elapsed application CPU time (seconds): 0.073, 0% CPU 

Last Exception Backtrace:
0                                   0x3293a8bf  + 848537791
1                                   0x356021e5  + 895492581
2                                   0x32883b6b  + 847788907
3   myApp                           0x0000a82d -[PhoneViewController requestFinished:] (PhoneViewController.m:1679)
4                                   0x3289922b  + 847876651
5   myApp                           0x0002a0b1 -[ASIHTTPRequest reportFinished] (ASIHTTPRequest.m:2028)
6                                   0x3289922b  + 847876651
7                                   0x31fc2757  + 838608727
8                                   0x3290eb03  + 848358147
9                                   0x3290e365  + 848356197
10                                  0x3290d075  + 848351349
11                                  0x328904dd  + 847840477
12                                  0x328903a5  + 847840165
13                                  0x335a8fcd  + 861573069
14                                  0x36953743  + 915748675
15  myApp                           0x000033af main (main.m:27)
16  myApp                           0x00003368 0x1000 + 9064

Thread 0:
0   ???                               0x3465c32c 0 + 879084332
1   ???                               0x35e77fe6 0 + 904364006
2   ???                               0x336cbf66 0 + 862764902
3   ???                               0x336c9348 0 + 862753608
4   ???                               0x356022de 0 + 895492830
5   ???                               0x336c93c0 0 + 862753728
6   ???                               0x336c944c 0 + 862753868
7   ???                               0x336ca820 0 + 862758944
8   ???                               0x35602230 0 + 895492656
9   ???                               0x32890540 0 + 847840576
10  ???                               0x328903a0 0 + 847840160
11  ???                               0x335a8fc8 0 + 861573064
12  ???                               0x3695373e 0 + 915748670
13  myApp                           0x000033aa main (main.m:27)
14  myApp                           0x00003364 0x1000 + 9060

后来我这里的一位朋友带来了一部 iPhone 4,但该应用程序无法正常工作,显然是因为同样的问题。崩溃报告器也显示了 0x8badf00d,但之前的重启“解决方案”不起作用。此外,这两次崩溃之间存在差异:第一次在启动画面显示时在几秒钟内崩溃,而第二次则花费更多时间(我尝试了几次,但仍然比第一次慢)。我插入 iPhone 以查看 Xcode 控制台中发生的情况(在崩溃报告之后发布了一些行)。这里是崩溃记者...

Date/Time:       2012-05-15 11:57:30.227 +0200
OS Version:      iPhone OS 5.1 (9B176)
Report Version:  104

Exception Type:  00000020
Exception Codes: 0x8badf00d
Highlighted Thread:  0

Application Specific Information:
com.myApp.free failed to launch in time

Elapsed total CPU time (seconds): 12.410 (user 12.410, system 0.000), 63% CPU 
Elapsed application CPU time (seconds): 7.302, 37% CPU

Thread 0 name:  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
Thread 0:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x35069dcc __open + 8
1   DataDetectorsCore               0x30c8ca60 DDmmap + 8
2   DataDetectorsCore               0x30c860ea DDCacheCreateFromFileAtPathWithExtraChecks + 14
3   DataDetectorsCore               0x30c860b8 DDCacheCreateFromSystemCache + 1252
4   DataDetectorsCore               0x30c85a16 DDScannerCreateWithType + 14
5   DataDetectorsCore               0x30c85aaa DDScannerCreate + 6
6   Foundation                      0x3118cac8 -[NSDataDetector initWithTypes:error:] + 960
7   Foundation                      0x3118c6ec +[NSDataDetector dataDetectorWithTypes:error:] + 44
8   myApp                           0x00004c0c -[PhoneViewController getTelfNumbers] (PhoneViewController.m:213)
9   myApp                           0x00007062 -[PhoneViewController viewDidLoad] (PhoneViewController.m:864)
10  UIKit                           0x32479e3e -[UIViewController awakeFromNib] + 106
11  UIKit                           0x3250c2ec -[UINib instantiateWithOwner:options:] + 1236
12  UIKit                           0x3247a4ac -[UIViewController _loadViewFromNibNamed:bundle:] + 240
13  UIKit                           0x32357dfa -[UIViewController loadView] + 82
14  UIKit                           0x322cddb8 -[UIViewController view] + 44
15  UIKit                           0x3232d7de -[UITabBarController transitionFromViewController:toViewController:transition:shouldSetSelected:] + 86
16  UIKit                           0x3232d77c -[UITabBarController transitionFromViewController:toViewController:] + 24
17  UIKit                           0x3232d0b6 -[UITabBarController _setSelectedViewController:] + 294
18  UIKit                           0x3232cdea -[UITabBarController setSelectedIndex:] + 234
19  myApp                           0x00003f1e -[AppDelegate application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:] (AppDelegate.m:294)
20  UIKit                           0x322cce4c -[UIApplication _callInitializationDelegatesForURL:payload:suspended:] + 1176
21  UIKit                           0x322c697e -[UIApplication _runWithURL:payload:launchOrientation:statusBarStyle:statusBarHidden:] + 402
22  UIKit                           0x32294c64 -[UIApplication handleEvent:withNewEvent:] + 1004
23  UIKit                           0x32294708 -[UIApplication sendEvent:] + 48
24  UIKit                           0x322940dc _UIApplicationHandleEvent + 5820
25  GraphicsServices                0x364c9224 PurpleEventCallback + 876
26  CoreFoundation                  0x3524a51c __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 32
27  CoreFoundation                  0x3524a4be __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 134
28  CoreFoundation                  0x3524930c __CFRunLoopRun + 1364
29  CoreFoundation                  0x351cc49e CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 294
30  CoreFoundation                  0x351cc366 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 98
31  UIKit                           0x322c5a0c -[UIApplication _run] + 544
32  UIKit                           0x322c2e76 UIApplicationMain + 1074
33  myApp                           0x000033a8 main (main.m:27)
34  myApp                           0x00003360 0x1000 + 9056


2012-05-16 10:52:26.440 myApp[315:707] DDCache: mmap failed with error 12
2012-05-16 10:52:26.444 myApp[315:707] DataDetectorsCore: mmapping the cache file failed
2012-05-16 10:52:26.466 myApp[315:707] DDCache: mmap failed with error 12
2012-05-16 10:52:26.470 myApp[315:707] DataDetectorsCore: mmapping the cache file failed
2012-05-16 10:52:26.485 myApp[315:707] DDCache: mmap failed with error 12
2012-05-16 10:52:26.490 myApp[315:707] DataDetectorsCore: mmapping the cache file failed
2012-05-16 10:52:26.509 myApp[315:707] DDCache: mmap failed with error 12
2012-05-16 10:52:26.514 myApp[315:707] DataDetectorsCore: mmapping the cache file failed
2012-05-16 10:52:26.529 myApp[315:707] DDCache: mmap failed with error 12
2012-05-16 10:52:26.533 myApp[315:707] DataDetectorsCore: mmapping the cache file failed
2012-05-16 10:52:26.548 myApp[315:707] DDCache: mmap failed with error 12
(always the same two lines)


正如我之前所说,似乎没有 iOS 特定设备/型号或 iOS 版本的情况。更奇怪的是,Apple 验证了我的应用程序并且他们没有报告任何崩溃或错误。好吧,事实上他们做到了,他们拒绝了我上传的第一个二进制文件,因为我没有 Info.plist,所以它在调试时可以工作,但在作为最终应用程序运行时却没有。这是固定的,但我让你知道以防万一。





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于 2012-05-16T12:20:14.247 回答