<s:TextArea id="txtAddress" x="118" y="31" width="150" height="88" maxChars="100"
This actionscript code crashes flash plugin. Some times it will not crash but the text inside the text area will be overwrite twice. The same is happening with every browser I have tested. I think this is flash's bug. (Please note that if width of the textarea or if the value changes, it will work fine) Can any one comment on this?
Below is the markup code:
<s:BorderContainer x="2" y="32" height="125" width="565" borderColor="#488AC7"
backgroundColor="#EEF0EE" cornerRadius="2">
<s:TextInput id="txtPhoneNo" x="407" y="3" width="150" maxChars="15" tabIndex="3"/>
<s:Label x="12" y="13" text="Name" fontWeight="normal" />
<s:TextInput x="118" y="3" width="150" id="txtName" maxChars="100" tabIndex="1" />
<s:Label x="12" y="40" text="Address" fontWeight="normal"/>
<s:TextArea id="txtAddress" x="118" y="31" width="150" height="88" maxChars="100"
<s:Label x="302" y="13" text="Phone No." fontWeight="normal"/>
<s:Label x="302" y="40" text="Mobile" fontWeight="normal" />
<s:TextInput id="txtMobile" x="407" y="31" width="150" maxChars="15" tabIndex="4"/>
<s:Label x="302" y="70" text="Email" fontWeight="normal" />
<s:TextInput id="txtEmail" x="407" y="60" width="150" maxChars="100" tabIndex="5"/>
<s:Label x="302" y="101" text="ECS Account NO"/>
<s:TextInput id="txtECSAcNo" x="407" y="91" width="150" tabIndex="6"/>