我有 2 个类,一个用于移动单位的机器人类和一个用于跟踪它们所在位置的地图类。一个图集有一个图集类和多个机器人类。我如何使用机器人类的 Atlas 中的函数。
class Atlas:
def __init__(self):
self.robots = []
self.currently_occupied = {}
def add_robot(self, robot):
self.currently_occupied = {robot:[]}
def all_occupied(self):
return self.currently_occupied
def occupy_spot(self, x, y, name):
self.currently_occupied[name] = [x, y]
class Robot():
def __init__(self, rbt):
self.xpos = 0
self.ypos = 0
atlas.add_robot(rbt) #<-- is there a better way than explicitly calling this atlas
self.name = rbt
def step(self, axis):
if axis in "xX":
self.xpos += 1
elif axis in "yY":
self.ypos += 1
atlas.occupy_spot(self.xpos, self.ypos, self.name)
def walk(self, axis, steps=2):
for i in range(steps):
atlas = Atlas() #<-- this may change in the future from 'atlas' to 'something else' and would break script
robot1 = Robot("robot1")
robot1.walk("x", 5)
robot1.walk("y", 1)
print atlas.all_occupied()
我今年 14 岁,刚接触编程。这是一个练习程序,我在 google 或 yahoo 上找不到。请帮忙