我正在使用 flex 为 android 开发应用程序。该应用程序应该从 android 读取短信并对其进行分析。我如何阅读短信?我在整个互联网上搜索过,找不到任何有用的文章。



1 回答 1


"Is there any way to do that instead of using native extention?"

Send sms - yes, but only by calling the device's native SMS client.

Receive/read incoming sms - no.

The Air mobile API includes features that allows you to send SMS messages by invoking the device's native SMS client. There are tutorials available online how to do this, for example this one.

The Air mobile API does not includes methods that allow you to read incoming SMS messages. To implement this on an Android device you would have to write your own Native Extension.This answer on SO explains how to set up a BroadcastReceiver using the Native Android SDK to listen for incoming SMS messages. If you need help on how to implement your own Native Extensions, the Adobe Developer pages on the subject is a good start.

于 2012-05-16T00:50:01.387 回答