在我的机器(四核,8gb 内存)上,运行 Vista x64 Business 和 Visual Studio 2008 SP1,我试图非常快速地交叉两组数字。

我在 C++ 中实现了两种方法,在 C# 中实现了一种。到目前为止,C# 方法更快,我想改进 C++ 方法,使其比 C# 更快,我希望 C++ 可以做到这一点。

这是 C# 输出:(发布版本)

Found the intersection 1000 times, in 4741.407 ms

这是初始 C++ 输出,用于两种不同的方法(发布 x64 构建):

Found the intersection (using unordered_map) 1000 times, in 21580.7ms
Found the intersection (using set_intersection) 1000 times, in 22366.6ms

这是最新的 C++ 输出,用于三种方法(发布 x64 构建):


Found the intersection of 504 values (using unordered_map) 1000 times, in 28827.6ms
Found the intersection of 495 values (using set_intersection) 1000 times, in 9817.69ms
Found the intersection of 504 values (using unordered_set) 1000 times, in 24769.1ms

因此,set_intersection 方法现在比 C# 慢约 2 倍,但比最初的 C++ 方法快 2 倍。

最新的 C++ 代码:


// MapPerformance.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <hash_map>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_set>

#include <boost\unordered\unordered_map.hpp>

#include "timer.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace stdext;
using namespace boost;
using namespace tr1;

int runIntersectionTest2(const vector<int>& set1, const vector<int>& set2)
    // hash_map<int,int> theMap;
    // map<int,int> theMap;
    unordered_set<int> theSet;      

     theSet.insert( set1.begin(), set1.end() );

    int intersectionSize = 0;

    vector<int>::const_iterator set2_end = set2.end();

    for ( vector<int>::const_iterator iterator = set2.begin(); iterator != set2_end; ++iterator )
        if ( theSet.find(*iterator) != theSet.end() )

    return intersectionSize;

int runIntersectionTest(const vector<int>& set1, const vector<int>& set2)
    // hash_map<int,int> theMap;
    // map<int,int> theMap;
    unordered_map<int,int> theMap;  

    vector<int>::const_iterator set1_end = set1.end();

    // Now intersect the two sets by populating the map
    for ( vector<int>::const_iterator iterator = set1.begin(); iterator != set1_end; ++iterator )
        int value = *iterator;

        theMap[value] = 1;

    int intersectionSize = 0;

    vector<int>::const_iterator set2_end = set2.end();

    for ( vector<int>::const_iterator iterator = set2.begin(); iterator != set2_end; ++iterator )
        int value = *iterator;

        unordered_map<int,int>::iterator foundValue = theMap.find(value);

        if ( foundValue != theMap.end() )
            theMap[value] = 2;


    return intersectionSize;


int runSetIntersection(const vector<int>& set1_unsorted, const vector<int>& set2_unsorted)
    // Create two vectors
    std::vector<int> set1(set1_unsorted.size());
    std::vector<int> set2(set2_unsorted.size());

    // Copy the unsorted data into them
    std::copy(set1_unsorted.begin(), set1_unsorted.end(), set1.begin());
    std::copy(set2_unsorted.begin(), set2_unsorted.end(), set2.begin());

    // Sort the data

    vector<int> intersection;

    set_intersection(set1.begin(),set1.end(), set2.begin(), set2.end(), back_inserter(intersection));

    return intersection.size(); 

void createSets( vector<int>& set1, vector<int>& set2 )
    srand ( time(NULL) );


    // Create 100,000 values for set1
    for ( int i = 0; i < 100000; i++ )
        int value = 1000000000 + i;

    // Try to get half of our values intersecting
    float ratio = 200000.0f / RAND_MAX;

    // Create 1,000 values for set2
    for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
        int random = rand() * ratio + 1;

        int value = 1000000000 + random;

    // Make sure set1 is in random order (not sorted)

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    int intersectionSize = 0;

    vector<int> set1, set2; 
    createSets( set1, set2 );

    Timer timer;
    for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
        intersectionSize = runIntersectionTest(set1, set2);

    cout << "Found the intersection of " << intersectionSize << " values (using unordered_map) 1000 times, in " << timer.GetMilliseconds() << "ms" << endl;

    for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
        intersectionSize = runSetIntersection(set1,set2);

    cout << "Found the intersection of " << intersectionSize << " values (using set_intersection) 1000 times, in " << timer.GetMilliseconds() << "ms" << endl;

    for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
        intersectionSize = runIntersectionTest2(set1,set2);

    cout << "Found the intersection of " << intersectionSize << " values (using unordered_set) 1000 times, in " << timer.GetMilliseconds() << "ms" << endl;


    return 0;


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace DictionaryPerformance
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<int> set1 = new List<int>(100000);
            List<int> set2 = new List<int>(1000);

            // Create 100,000 values for set1
            for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
                int value = 1000000000 + i;

            Random random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);

            // Create 1,000 values for set2
            for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                int value = 1000000000 + (random.Next() % 200000 + 1);

            long start = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
            for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
            long duration = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.GetTimestamp() - start;

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Found the intersection 1000 times, in {0} ms", ((float) duration * 1000.0f) / System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.Frequency));


        static int runIntersectionTest(List<int> set1, List<int> set2)

            Dictionary<int,int> theMap = new Dictionary<int,int>(100000);

            // Now intersect the two sets by populating the map
            foreach( int value in set1 )
                theMap[value] = 1;

            int intersectionSize = 0;

            foreach ( int value in set2 )
                int count;
                if ( theMap.TryGetValue(value, out count ) )
                    theMap[value] = 2;

            return intersectionSize;

C++ 代码:

// MapPerformance.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <hash_map>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>

#include <boost\unordered\unordered_map.hpp>

#include "timer.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace stdext;
using namespace boost;

int runIntersectionTest(vector<int> set1, vector<int> set2)
    // hash_map<int,int> theMap;
    // map<int,int> theMap;
    unordered_map<int,int> theMap;

    // Now intersect the two sets by populating the map
    for ( vector<int>::iterator iterator = set1.begin(); iterator != set1.end(); iterator++ )
        int value = *iterator;

        theMap[value] = 1;

    int intersectionSize = 0;

    for ( vector<int>::iterator iterator = set2.begin(); iterator != set2.end(); iterator++ )
        int value = *iterator;

        unordered_map<int,int>::iterator foundValue = theMap.find(value);

        if ( foundValue != theMap.end() )
            theMap[value] = 2;


    return intersectionSize;


int runSetIntersection(set<int> set1, set<int> set2)
    set<int> intersection;

    set_intersection(set1.begin(),set1.end(), set2.begin(), set2.end(), inserter(intersection, intersection.end()));

    return intersection.size(); 

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    srand ( time(NULL) );

    vector<int> set1;
    vector<int> set2;


    // Create 100,000 values for set1
    for ( int i = 0; i < 100000; i++ )
        int value = 1000000000 + i;

    // Create 1,000 values for set2
    for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
        int random = rand() % 200000 + 1;
        random *= 10;

        int value = 1000000000 + random;

    Timer timer;
    for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
        runIntersectionTest(set1, set2);

    cout << "Found the intersection (using unordered_map) 1000 times, in " << timer.GetMilliseconds() << "ms" << endl;

    set<int> set21;
    set<int> set22;

    // Create 100,000 values for set1
    for ( int i = 0; i < 100000; i++ )
        int value = 1000000000 + i;

    // Create 1,000 values for set2
    for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
        int random = rand() % 200000 + 1;
        random *= 10;

        int value = 1000000000 + random;

    for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )

    cout << "Found the intersection (using set_intersection) 1000 times, in " << timer.GetMilliseconds() << "ms" << endl;


    return 0;


  • C++ 集现在已正确设置,因此它们有 50% 的交集(如 C#)
  • Set1 被打乱所以它没有排序, set2 已经没有排序
  • set_intersection 实现现在使用向量,并首先对它们进行排序


Found the intersection of 503 values (using unordered_map) 1000 times, in 35131.1ms
Found the intersection of 494 values (using set_intersection) 1000 times, in 10317ms

所以它比 C# 慢 2 倍。@Jalf:你得到了一些非常快的数字,我在这里做错了吗?

C++ 代码:

// MapPerformance.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <hash_map>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>

#include <boost\unordered\unordered_map.hpp>

#include "timer.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace stdext;
using namespace boost;

int runIntersectionTest(const vector<int>& set1, const vector<int>& set2)
    // hash_map<int,int> theMap;
    // map<int,int> theMap;
    unordered_map<int,int> theMap;  

    vector<int>::const_iterator set1_end = set1.end();

    // Now intersect the two sets by populating the map
    for ( vector<int>::const_iterator iterator = set1.begin(); iterator != set1_end; ++iterator )
        int value = *iterator;

        theMap[value] = 1;

    int intersectionSize = 0;

    vector<int>::const_iterator set2_end = set2.end();

    for ( vector<int>::const_iterator iterator = set2.begin(); iterator != set2_end; ++iterator )
        int value = *iterator;

        unordered_map<int,int>::iterator foundValue = theMap.find(value);

        if ( foundValue != theMap.end() )
            theMap[value] = 2;


    return intersectionSize;


int runSetIntersection(const vector<int> set1_unsorted, const vector<int> set2_unsorted)
    // Create two vectors
    std::vector<int> set1(set1_unsorted.size());
    std::vector<int> set2(set2_unsorted.size());

    // Copy the unsorted data into them
    std::copy(set1_unsorted.begin(), set1_unsorted.end(), set1.begin());
    std::copy(set2_unsorted.begin(), set2_unsorted.end(), set2.begin());

    // Sort the data

    vector<int> intersection;

    set_intersection(set1.begin(),set1.end(), set2.begin(), set2.end(), inserter(intersection, intersection.end()));

    return intersection.size(); 

void createSets( vector<int>& set1, vector<int>& set2 )
    srand ( time(NULL) );


    // Create 100,000 values for set1
    for ( int i = 0; i < 100000; i++ )
        int value = 1000000000 + i;

    // Try to get half of our values intersecting
    float ratio = 200000.0f / RAND_MAX;

    // Create 1,000 values for set2
    for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
        int random = rand() * ratio + 1;

        int value = 1000000000 + random;

    // Make sure set1 is in random order (not sorted)

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    int intersectionSize = 0;

    vector<int> set1, set2; 
    createSets( set1, set2 );

    Timer timer;
    for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
        intersectionSize = runIntersectionTest(set1, set2);

    cout << "Found the intersection of " << intersectionSize << " values (using unordered_map) 1000 times, in " << timer.GetMilliseconds() << "ms" << endl;

    for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
        intersectionSize = runSetIntersection(set1,set2);

    cout << "Found the intersection of " << intersectionSize << " values (using set_intersection) 1000 times, in " << timer.GetMilliseconds() << "ms" << endl;


    return 0;

13 回答 13



首先,您不是在测试集合交集,而是“创建几个数组,用随机数填充它们,然后执行集合交集”。您应该只对您真正感兴趣的代码部分进行计时。即使您想要做这些事情,也不应该在这里对它们进行基准测试。一次测量一件事,以减少不确定性。如果您希望您的 C++ 实现更好地执行,您首先需要知道它的哪一部分比预期的要慢。这意味着您必须将设置代码与交叉测试分开。

其次,您应该多次运行测试,以考虑可能的缓存影响和其他不确定性。(并且可能会输出一个总时间,例如 1000 次运行,而不是每次运行的单独时间。这样可以减少计时器的不确定性,在 0-20 毫秒范围内使用时,计时器可能具有有限的分辨率并报告不准确的结果。

此外,据我从文档中可以看出,应该对 set_intersection 的输入进行排序,而 set2 不会。似乎没有理由使用unordered_map, whenunordered_set会更适合你正在做的事情。



  • 使用++iterator代替iterator++
  • 而不是在每次循环迭代时调用 vector.end(),调用一次并缓存结果
  • 尝试使用排序向量 vs std::set vs unordered_set(not unordered_map)


我没有尝试过你的 C# 版本,所以我无法正确比较数字,但这是我修改后的测试。每个运行 1000 次,在具有 4GB RAM 的 Core 2 Quad 2.5GHz 上:

std::set_intersection on std::set: 2606ms
std::set_intersection on tr1::unordered_set: 1014ms
std::set_intersection on sorted vectors: 171ms
std::set_intersection on unsorted vectors: 10140ms

最后一个有点不公平,因为它必须同时复制和排序向量。理想情况下,只有排序应该是基准的一部分。我尝试创建一个使用 1000 个未排序向量数组的版本(因此我不必在每次迭代中复制未排序的数据),但性能大致相同,或者更差一些,因为这会导致不断的缓存未命中,所以我恢复到这个版本


#define _SECURE_SCL 0

#include <ctime>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <windows.h>

template <typename T, typename OutIter>
void stl_intersect(const T& set1, const T& set2, OutIter out){
    std::set_intersection(set1.begin(), set1.end(), set2.begin(), set2.end(), out);

template <typename T, typename OutIter>
void sort_stl_intersect(T& set1, T& set2, OutIter out){
    std::sort(set1.begin(), set1.end());
    std::sort(set2.begin(), set2.end());
    std::set_intersection(set1.begin(), set1.end(), set2.begin(), set2.end(), out);

template <typename T>
void init_sorted_vec(T first, T last){
    for ( T cur = first; cur != last; ++cur)
        int i = cur - first;
        int value = 1000000000 + i;
        *cur = value;

template <typename T>
void init_unsorted_vec(T first, T last){
    for ( T cur = first; cur != last; ++cur)
        int i = rand() % 200000 + 1;
        i *= 10;

        int value = 1000000000 + i;
        *cur = value;

struct resize_and_shuffle {
    resize_and_shuffle(int size) : size(size) {}

    void operator()(std::vector<int>& vec){

    int size;

int main()
    srand ( time(NULL) );
    std::vector<int> out(100000);

    std::vector<int> sortedvec1(100000);
    std::vector<int> sortedvec2(1000);

    init_sorted_vec(sortedvec1.begin(), sortedvec1.end());
    init_unsorted_vec(sortedvec2.begin(), sortedvec2.end());
    std::sort(sortedvec2.begin(), sortedvec2.end());

    std::vector<int> unsortedvec1(sortedvec1.begin(), sortedvec1.end());
    std::vector<int> unsortedvec2(sortedvec2.begin(), sortedvec2.end());

    std::random_shuffle(unsortedvec1.begin(), unsortedvec1.end());
    std::random_shuffle(unsortedvec2.begin(), unsortedvec2.end());

    std::vector<int> vecs1[1000];
    std::vector<int> vecs2[1000];

    std::fill(vecs1, vecs1 + 1000, unsortedvec1);
    std::fill(vecs2, vecs2 + 1000, unsortedvec2);

    std::set<int> set1(sortedvec1.begin(), sortedvec1.end());
    std::set<int> set2(sortedvec2.begin(), sortedvec2.end());

    std::tr1::unordered_set<int> uset1(sortedvec1.begin(), sortedvec1.end());
    std::tr1::unordered_set<int> uset2(sortedvec2.begin(), sortedvec2.end());

    DWORD start, stop;
    DWORD delta[4];

    start = GetTickCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i){
        stl_intersect(set1, set2, out.begin());
    stop = GetTickCount();
    delta[0] = stop - start;

    start = GetTickCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i){
        stl_intersect(uset1, uset2, out.begin());
    stop = GetTickCount();
    delta[1] = stop - start;

    start = GetTickCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i){
        stl_intersect(sortedvec1, sortedvec2, out.begin());
    stop = GetTickCount();
    delta[2] = stop - start;

    start = GetTickCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i){
        sort_stl_intersect(vecs1[i], vecs1[i], out.begin());
    stop = GetTickCount();
    delta[3] = stop - start;

    std::cout << "std::set_intersection on std::set: " << delta[0] << "ms\n";
    std::cout << "std::set_intersection on tr1::unordered_set: " << delta[1] << "ms\n";
    std::cout << "std::set_intersection on sorted vectors: " << delta[2] << "ms\n";
    std::cout << "std::set_intersection on unsorted vectors: " << delta[3] << "ms\n";

    return 0;

C++ 没有理由总是比 C# 快。C# 有一些关键优势,需要非常小心才能在 C++ 中与之竞争。我能想到的第一个是动态分配在 .NET 领域非常便宜。每次 C++ 向量、set 或 unordered_set(或任何其他容器)必须调整大小或展开时,都是非常昂贵的malloc操作。在 .NET 中,堆分配只不过是向指针添加偏移量。

因此,如果您希望 C++ 版本竞争,您可能必须解决这个问题,允许您的容器调整大小而无需执行实际的堆分配,可能通过为容器使用自定义分配器(也许 boost::pool 可能是一个不错的选择)打赌,或者您可以尝试自己滚动)

另一个问题是set_difference它只适用于排序的输入,并且为了重现涉及排序的测试结果,我们必须在每次迭代中制作未排序数据的新副本,这是昂贵的(尽管再次使用自定义分配器将有助于很多)。我不知道您的输入采用什么形式,但您可以直接对输入进行排序,无需复制,然后set_difference直接运行。(如果您的输入至少是一个数组或 STL 容器,那将很容易做到。)

STL 的主要优势之一是它非常灵活,几乎可以处理任何输入序列。在 C# 中,您几乎必须将输入复制到 List 或 Dictionary 或其他东西中,但在 C++ 中,您可能能够摆脱运行std::sortset_intersection处理原始输入。

最后,当然,尝试通过分析器运行代码,并准确查看时间花费在哪里。您可能还想尝试通过 GCC 运行代码。我的印象是 MSVC 中的 STL 性能有时有点古怪。可能值得在另一个编译器下进行测试,看看你是否在那里得到了类似的时间。

最后,您可能会发现这些博客文章与 C++ 与 C# 的性能相关:http: //blogs.msdn.com/ricom/archive/2005/05/10/416151.aspx

他们的士气基本上是,是的,你可以在 C++ 中获得更好的性能,但这是一个令人惊讶的工作量。

于 2009-06-29T21:55:25.270 回答

我马上看到的一个问题是您在 C++ 中通过值而不是通过 const 引用传递集合。因此,每次传递它们时,您都在复制它们!

另外,我不会为set_intersection. 我会使用类似的东西

int runSetIntersection(const set<int>& set1, const set<int>& set2)
    vector<int> intersection;
    intersection.reserve(10000) // or whatever the max is

    set_intersection(set1.begin(),set1.end(), set2.begin(), set2.end(), back_inserter(intersection));

    return intersection.size(); 


int runSetIntersection(const set<int>& set1, const set<int>& set2, vector<int>& scratch)
    scratch.reserve(10000) // or whatever the max is

    set_intersection(set1.begin(),set1.end(), set2.begin(), set2.end(), back_inserter(scratch));

    return scratch.size(); 


但是,如果您只是在寻找大小,手写的 for 循环,结合 set::find 可能会产生更好的结果。

于 2009-06-29T22:49:00.043 回答


vector<int> set1(10000);
vector<int> set2(1000);


于 2009-06-29T21:32:30.150 回答

我将更改 C++“runIntersectionTest”以获取对容器的 const 引用,而不是在每次调用时复制它们。(C# 代码将使用 refs。)

于 2009-06-29T22:55:20.217 回答

还值得一看 boost Disjoint Set容器,它专门针对某些类型的大型集合操作进行了优化。



于 2009-06-29T23:11:45.270 回答

顺便说一句,如果你有大的排序集 std::set_intersection 不是最快的算法。std::set_intersection 最多需要 2*(m+n)-1 比较,但像 Baeza-Yates 的算法可能更快。对于小的 m,Baeza-Yates 是 O(m * log(n)),而对于 n = alpha * m,它是 O(n)。基本思想是进行一种 2 路二分搜索。


排序序列 Ricardo Baeza-Yates 和 Alejandro Salinger 的快速交叉算法的实验分析


R. Baeza-Yates。一种用于排序序列的快速集合交集算法。在第 15 届组合模式匹配年度研讨会 (CPM 2004) 上,Springer LNCS 3109,第 400-408 页,土耳其伊斯坦布尔,2004 年 7 月。

下面是 Erik Frey 的解释和实现,他显示的结果比使用二进制探针的 std::set_intersection 快得多。我还没有尝试过他的代码。

  1. 在较小的集合中选择中值元素 A。
  2. 在较大的集合中搜索其插入位置元素 B。
  3. 如果 A 和 B 相等,则将元素附加到结果中。
  4. 对元素 A 和 B 两侧的非空子集重复步骤 1-4。


/* * baeza_intersect */ template< template class Probe, class RandomAccessIterator, class OutputIterator> void baeza_intersect(RandomAccessIterator begin1, RandomAccessIterator end1, RandomAccessIterator begin2, RandomAccessIterator end2, OutputIterator out) { RandomAccessIterator probe1, probe2;

if ( (end1 - begin1) < ( end2 - begin2 ) ) { if ( begin1 == end1 ) return; probe1 = begin1 + ( ( end1 - begin1 ) >> 1 ); probe2 = lower_bound< Probe >( begin2, end2, *probe1 ); baeza_intersect< Probe >(begin1, probe1, begin2, probe2, out); // intersect left if (! (probe2 == end2 || *probe1 < *probe2 )) *out++ = *probe2++; baeza_intersect< Probe >(++probe1, end1, probe2, end2, out); // intersect right } else { if ( begin2 == end2 ) return; probe2 = begin2 + ( ( end2 - begin2 ) >> 1 ); probe1 = lower_bound< Probe >( begin1, end1, *probe2 ); baeza_intersect< Probe >(begin1, probe1, begin2, probe2, out); // intersect left if (! (probe1 == end1 || *probe2 < *probe1 )) *out++ = *probe1++; baeza_intersect< Probe >(probe1, end1, ++probe2, end2, out); // intersect right } }

/* * with a comparator */ template< template class Probe, class RandomAccessIterator, class OutputIterator, class Comparator > void baeza_intersect(RandomAccessIterator begin1, RandomAccessIterator end1, RandomAccessIterator begin2, RandomAccessIterator end2, OutputIterator out, Comparator cmp) { RandomAccessIterator probe1, probe2;

  if ( (end1 - begin1) < ( end2 - begin2 ) )
    if ( begin1 == end1 )
    probe1 = begin1 + ( ( end1 - begin1 ) >> 1 );
    probe2 = lower_bound< Probe >( begin2, end2, *probe1, cmp );
    baeza_intersect< Probe >(begin1, probe1, begin2, probe2, out, cmp); // intersect left
    if (! (probe2 == end2 || cmp( *probe1, *probe2 ) ))
      *out++ = *probe2++;
    baeza_intersect< Probe >(++probe1, end1, probe2, end2, out, cmp); // intersect right
    if ( begin2 == end2 )
    probe2 = begin2 + ( ( end2 - begin2 ) >> 1 );
    probe1 = lower_bound< Probe >( begin1, end1, *probe2, cmp );
    baeza_intersect< Probe >(begin1, probe1, begin2, probe2, out, cmp); // intersect left
    if (! (probe1 == end1 || cmp( *probe2, *probe1 ) ))
      *out++ = *probe1++;
    baeza_intersect< Probe >(probe1, end1, ++probe2, end2, out, cmp); // intersect right

// probe.hpp

/** * binary probe: pick the next element by choosing the halfway point between low and high */ template< class RandomAccessIterator, class T > struct binary_probe { RandomAccessIterator operator()(RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator end, const T & value) { return begin + ( (end - begin) >> 1); } };

/** * lower_bound: like stl's lower_bound but with different kinds of probing * note the appearance of the rare template parameter template! */ template< template class Probe, class RandomAccessIterator, class T > RandomAccessIterator lower_bound(RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator end, const T & value) { RandomAccessIterator pit; Probe< RandomAccessIterator, T > pfunc; // probe-functor (wants to get func'd up)

while ( begin < end ) { pit = pfunc(begin, end, value); if ( *pit < value ) begin = pit + 1; else end = pit; } return begin; }

/* * this time with a comparator! */ template< template class Probe, class RandomAccessIterator, class T, class Comparator > RandomAccessIterator lower_bound(RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator end, const T & value, Comparator cmp) { RandomAccessIterator pit; Probe< RandomAccessIterator, T > pfunc;

while ( begin < end ) { pit = pfunc(begin, end, value); if ( cmp(*pit, value) ) begin = pit + 1; else end = pit; } return begin; }

于 2010-08-26T03:38:27.357 回答

由于您使用的是 Visual Studio,因此您应该检查您是否已_SECURE_SCL设置为 1(通常如果您没有明确设置它,它将为 1)。如果已设置,所有 STL 代码都将进行范围检查,即使在发布版本中也是如此。通常会使代码减慢 10-15%。

微软似乎没有意识到,例如,如果你想要范围检查,std::vector 已经有一个接口:std::vector::at()!



于 2009-06-29T22:57:58.933 回答

我知道您的解决方案运行良好,但您是否尝试过使用 STL 实现:


于 2009-06-29T21:48:58.683 回答

是否打开了 C++ 优化标志?

于 2009-06-29T22:31:33.650 回答


  • 现在每个测试都运行 1,000 次
  • C# 代码现在使用更高分辨率的计时器
  • 现在在测试之前填充数据结构

到目前为止,结果是 C# 仍然比 C++ 快约 5 倍。


于 2009-06-29T22:32:04.273 回答


我修改了 set_intersection 代码以使用向量,并对它们进行排序(而不是使用排序的集合类),现在它的速度要快得多:

Found the intersection of 319 values (using unordered_map) 1000 times, in 22187.5ms
Found the intersection of 315 values (using set_intersection) 1000 times, in 2401.62ms


C++ 代码:

// MapPerformance.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <hash_map>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>

#include <boost\unordered\unordered_map.hpp>

#include "timer.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace stdext;
using namespace boost;

int runIntersectionTest(vector<int> set1, vector<int> set2)
    // hash_map<int,int> theMap;
    // map<int,int> theMap;
    unordered_map<int,int> theMap;

    // Now intersect the two sets by populating the map
    for ( vector<int>::iterator iterator = set1.begin(); iterator != set1.end(); iterator++ )
        int value = *iterator;

        theMap[value] = 1;

    int intersectionSize = 0;

    for ( vector<int>::iterator iterator = set2.begin(); iterator != set2.end(); iterator++ )
        int value = *iterator;

        unordered_map<int,int>::iterator foundValue = theMap.find(value);

        if ( foundValue != theMap.end() )
            theMap[value] = 2;


    return intersectionSize;


int runSetIntersection(vector<int> set1, vector<int> set2)

    set<int> intersection;

    set_intersection(set1.begin(),set1.end(), set2.begin(), set2.end(), inserter(intersection, intersection.end()));

    return intersection.size(); 

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    srand ( time(NULL) );

    vector<int> set1;
    vector<int> set2;


    // Create 100,000 values for set1
    for ( int i = 0; i < 100000; i++ )
        int value = 1000000000 + i;

    // Create 1,000 values for set2
    for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
        int random = rand() % 200000 + 1;
        random *= 10;

        int value = 1000000000 + random;

    int intersectionSize = 0;

    Timer timer;
    for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
        intersectionSize = runIntersectionTest(set1, set2);

    cout << "Found the intersection of " << intersectionSize << " values (using unordered_map) 1000 times, in " << timer.GetMilliseconds() << "ms" << endl;

    for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
        intersectionSize = runSetIntersection(set1,set2);

    cout << "Found the intersection of " << intersectionSize << " values (using set_intersection) 1000 times, in " << timer.GetMilliseconds() << "ms" << endl;


    return 0;
于 2009-06-29T22:50:32.070 回答


插入器没有将值放在向量的末尾,它快在哪里。它只在第一次插入时才这样做,之后它在数组的开头插入了值(end 用来指向的地方)。



// MapPerformance.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <hash_map>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>

#include <boost\unordered\unordered_set.hpp>

#include "timer.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace stdext;
using namespace boost;

int runIntersectionTest(const vector<int>& set1, const vector<int>& set2)
    // hash_map<int,int> theMap;
    // map<int,int> theMap;
    unordered_set<int> theSet;      

     theSet.insert( set1.begin(), set2.end() );

    int intersectionSize = 0;

    vector<int>::const_iterator set2_end = set2.end();

    for ( vector<int>::const_iterator iterator = set2.begin(); iterator != set2_end; ++iterator )
        if ( theSet.find(*iterator) != theSet.end() )

    return intersectionSize;

int runSetIntersection( vector<int> set1, vector<int> set2)
    // Sort the data

    vector<int> intersection;

    set_intersection(set1.begin(),set1.end(), set2.begin(), set2.end(), back_inserter(intersection));

    return intersection.size(); 

void createSets( vector<int>& set1, vector<int>& set2 )
    srand ( time(NULL) );


    // Create 100,000 values for set1
    for ( int i = 0; i < 100000; i++ )
        int value = 1000000000 + i;

    // Try to get half of our values intersecting
    float ratio = 200000.0f / RAND_MAX;

    // Create 1,000 values for set2
    for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
        int random = rand() * ratio + 1;

        int value = 1000000000 + random;

    // Make sure set1 is in random order (not sorted)

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    int intersectionSize = 0;

    vector<int> set1, set2;     
    createSets( set1, set2 );

    Timer timer;
    for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
        intersectionSize = runIntersectionTest(set1, set2);

    cout << "Found the intersection of " << intersectionSize << " values (using unordered_map) 1000 times, in " << timer.GetMilliseconds() << "ms" << endl;

    for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
        intersectionSize = runSetIntersection(set1,set2);

    cout << "Found the intersection of " << intersectionSize << " values (using set_intersection) 1000 times, in " << timer.GetMilliseconds() << "ms" << endl;


    return 0;
于 2009-06-30T00:35:36.803 回答


Found the intersection of 504 values (using unordered_map) 1000 times, in 28827.6ms
Found the intersection of 495 values (using set_intersection) 1000 times, in 9817.69ms
Found the intersection of 504 values (using unordered_set) 1000 times, in 24769.1ms

我认为发生 504 - 495 的差异是因为有几个重复值。


// MapPerformance.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <hash_map>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_set>

#include <boost\unordered\unordered_map.hpp>

#include "timer.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace stdext;
using namespace boost;
using namespace tr1;

int runIntersectionTest2(const vector<int>& set1, const vector<int>& set2)
    // hash_map<int,int> theMap;
    // map<int,int> theMap;
    unordered_set<int> theSet;      

     theSet.insert( set1.begin(), set1.end() );

    int intersectionSize = 0;

    vector<int>::const_iterator set2_end = set2.end();

    for ( vector<int>::const_iterator iterator = set2.begin(); iterator != set2_end; ++iterator )
        if ( theSet.find(*iterator) != theSet.end() )

    return intersectionSize;

int runIntersectionTest(const vector<int>& set1, const vector<int>& set2)
    // hash_map<int,int> theMap;
    // map<int,int> theMap;
    unordered_map<int,int> theMap;  

    vector<int>::const_iterator set1_end = set1.end();

    // Now intersect the two sets by populating the map
    for ( vector<int>::const_iterator iterator = set1.begin(); iterator != set1_end; ++iterator )
        int value = *iterator;

        theMap[value] = 1;

    int intersectionSize = 0;

    vector<int>::const_iterator set2_end = set2.end();

    for ( vector<int>::const_iterator iterator = set2.begin(); iterator != set2_end; ++iterator )
        int value = *iterator;

        unordered_map<int,int>::iterator foundValue = theMap.find(value);

        if ( foundValue != theMap.end() )
            theMap[value] = 2;


    return intersectionSize;


int runSetIntersection(const vector<int>& set1_unsorted, const vector<int>& set2_unsorted)
    // Create two vectors
    std::vector<int> set1(set1_unsorted.size());
    std::vector<int> set2(set2_unsorted.size());

    // Copy the unsorted data into them
    std::copy(set1_unsorted.begin(), set1_unsorted.end(), set1.begin());
    std::copy(set2_unsorted.begin(), set2_unsorted.end(), set2.begin());

    // Sort the data

    vector<int> intersection;

    set_intersection(set1.begin(),set1.end(), set2.begin(), set2.end(), back_inserter(intersection));

    return intersection.size(); 

void createSets( vector<int>& set1, vector<int>& set2 )
    srand ( time(NULL) );


    // Create 100,000 values for set1
    for ( int i = 0; i < 100000; i++ )
        int value = 1000000000 + i;

    // Try to get half of our values intersecting
    float ratio = 200000.0f / RAND_MAX;

    // Create 1,000 values for set2
    for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
        int random = rand() * ratio + 1;

        int value = 1000000000 + random;

    // Make sure set1 is in random order (not sorted)

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    int intersectionSize = 0;

    vector<int> set1, set2; 
    createSets( set1, set2 );

    Timer timer;
    for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
        intersectionSize = runIntersectionTest(set1, set2);

    cout << "Found the intersection of " << intersectionSize << " values (using unordered_map) 1000 times, in " << timer.GetMilliseconds() << "ms" << endl;

    for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
        intersectionSize = runSetIntersection(set1,set2);

    cout << "Found the intersection of " << intersectionSize << " values (using set_intersection) 1000 times, in " << timer.GetMilliseconds() << "ms" << endl;

    for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
        intersectionSize = runIntersectionTest2(set1,set2);

    cout << "Found the intersection of " << intersectionSize << " values (using unordered_set) 1000 times, in " << timer.GetMilliseconds() << "ms" << endl;


    return 0;
于 2009-06-30T00:55:31.053 回答