该类通过在它找到的任何地方展开内容来工作 [next]。但问题是 next 被包裹在 div 中,所以它变成了<div>[next]</div>,这是因为我使用的是所见即所得的编辑器。当它在第一页上找到 [next] 时,</div>在它被带到第二页之后等等,阻碍了布局。


function splitText($pageCont){ 
        $this->textarray = explode('[next]', $pageCont);
        $this->numPages = count($this->textarray); 


function getContent(){ 
        if($this->page != 0){ 
        echo $this->pageCont;  
        } else { 
        echo $this->textarray[0]; 

问题是,我怎样才能阻止这种情况发生,或者使主 div 中的 div 不会影响页面布局?好像现在当 div 吐出时,它会将右列推到右下角

kuh-chan 编辑的完整代码

class Pagebreak { 

    private $page; //page number 
    private $numPages; //number of total pages 
    private $textarray = array(); // array of conents 
    private $pageCont; //current page content 

    public function __construct(){  
        if (!isset($_GET['page'])) { 
        $this->page = 0; 
        } else {
        $this->page = $_GET['page'];  

    public function splitText($pageCont){  
        $this->textarray = preg_split('/(?<!\<div\>)\[next\]/', $pageCont);
        $this->numPages = count($this->textarray); 

    public function setPage(){ 
        $this->pageCont = $this->textarray[$_GET['page'] -1]; 

    public function getContent(){ 
        if($this->page != 0){ 
        echo $this->pageCont;  
        } else { 
        echo $this->textarray[0]; 

    public function getPageLinks(){ 

        echo "<p class=\"article_page_div\">\n";     

        //prev page 
        //if page number is more then 1 show previous link 
        if ($this->page > 1) { 
            $prevpage = $this->page - 1; 
            echo "<a class=\"article_paging\" href=\"?post=".$_GET['post']."&amp;page=$prevpage\">". 'Prev</a> '; 

        //page numbers   
        for($i = 1; $i <= $this->numPages ; $i++){ 
            if($this->numPages > 1){ // if more then 1 page show links 
                if(($this->page) == $i){ //if page number is equal page number in loop don't link it 
                    echo "$i\n "; 
                    } else {                     
                            if($this->page == 0){ //if no page numbers have been clicked don't link first page link 
                                if($i == 1){ 
                                    echo "$i\n "; 
                                } else { // link the rest 
                                    echo "<a class=\"article_paging\" href=\"?post=".$_GET['post']."&amp;page=$i\">$i</a>\n "; 
                           } else { // link pages 
                                echo "<a class=\"article_paging\" href=\"?post=".$_GET['post']."&amp;page=$i\">$i</a>\n "; 

        //next page 
        //if page number is less then the total number of pages show next link 
        if ($this->page <= $this->numPages - 1) { 
            if($this->page == 0){ //if no page numbers have been clicked minus 2 from the next page link 
                $nextpage = $this->page + 2; 
            } else { 
                $nextpage = $this->page + 1; 
                echo "<a class=\"article_paging\" href=\"?post=".$_GET['post']."&amp;page=$nextpage\">". 'Next</a>'; 

        echo "</p>\n";     




$paginate = new Pagebreak(); 

1 回答 1


问题是,我怎样才能阻止这种情况发生,或者使主 div 中的 div 不会影响页面布局?好像现在当 div 吐出时,它会将右列推到右下角

使用以下 CSS 属性之一从页面流中删除 div:

  • 位置:绝对
  • 位置:固定

使用以下 CSS 属性将主 div 用作定位 div 的容器:

  • 位置:相对
于 2013-12-06T01:09:44.760 回答