我今天遇到了使用OleDbConnection以下网站从 Microsoft Excel 文件中读取数据的说明:OLE DB Providers

这使我可以读取 Excel 文件中的所有数据:

private const string EXCEL_CON =
  @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source={0};" +
  @"Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1;'";

    public DataTable ExtractExcel(string fullFilename, string tableName)
        var table = new DataTable();
        string strCon = string.Format(EXCEL_CON, fullFilename);
        using (var xlConn = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(strCon))
            ConnectionState initialState = xlConn.State;
                if ((initialState & ConnectionState.Open) != ConnectionState.Open)
                string sql = string.Format("SELECT * FROM `{0}`;", tableName);
                using (var cmd = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand(sql, xlConn))
            { // it seems like Access does not always close the connection
                if ((initialState & ConnectionState.Open) != ConnectionState.Open)
        return table;

当我插入数据时,第 1 步是在添加、更改或删除列的情况下清除 Microsoft Access 数据库中的现有表:

public void InsertExcel(OleDbConnection dbConn, DataTable table) {
  ConnectionState initState = dbConn.State;
  try {
    if ((initState & ConnectionState.Open) != ConnectionState.Open) {
    string sql = string.Format("SELECT * FROM {0};", table.TableName);
    DataTable original = new DataTable();
    using (OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(sql, dbConn)) {
      try {
      } catch (Exception) { // table does not exist
    if (0 < original.Rows.Count) {
      sql = string.Format("DROP TABLE {0};", table.TableName);
      using (OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(sql, dbConn)) {
    // ****************
    // ****************
  } finally {
    if ((initState & ConnectionState.Open) != ConnectionState.Open) {

DROP TABLE执行命令后(在该CODE NEEDED HERE部分中),我需要以某种方式将信息插入DataTable




1 回答 1


这是static class我通过合并我找到或开发的各种代码而构建的。您需要注意的主要方法是ExportToExcelOleDb,在给定 aDataSet和连接字符串的情况下,会将其写入DataSet您选择的 Excel 文件,并按原样格式化DataSet

请注意,Access Engine 写入 Excel 的方式存在“错误” - 在写入 Excel 工作簿时无法保留数据类型,这意味着所有数据类型都以 Excel TEXT/形式写入STRING。反正这里是...

    // Structures used for conversion between data-types.
    private struct ExcelDataTypes
        public const string NUMBER = "NUMBER";
        public const string DATETIME = "DATETIME";
        public const string TEXT = "TEXT"; // also works with "STRING".

    private struct NETDataTypes
        public const string SHORT = "int16";
        public const string INT = "int32";
        public const string LONG = "int64";
        public const string STRING = "string";
        public const string DATE = "DateTime";
        public const string BOOL = "Boolean";
        public const string DECIMAL = "decimal";
        public const string DOUBLE = "double";
        public const string FLOAT = "float";

    /// <summary>
    /// Routine to export a given DataSet to Excel. For each DataTable contained 
    /// in the DataSet the overloaded routine will create a new Excel sheet based 
    /// upon the currently selected DataTable. The proceedure loops through all 
    /// DataRows in the selected DataTable and pushes each one to the specified 
    /// Excel file using ADO.NET and the Access Database Engine (Excel is not a 
    /// prerequisit).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="dataSet">The DataSet to be written to Excel.</param>
    /// <param name="connectionString">The connection string.</param>
    /// <param name="fileName">The Excel file name to export to.</param>
    /// <param name="deleteExistFile">Delete existing file?</param>
    public static void ExportToExcelOleDb(DataSet dataSet, string connectionString, 
                                                      string fileName, bool deleteExistFile)
        // Support for existing file overwrite.
        if (deleteExistFile && File.Exists(fileName))
        ExportToExcelOleDb(dataSet, connectionString, fileName);

    /// <summary>
    /// Overloaded version of the above.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="dataSet">The DataSet to be written to Excel.</param>
    /// <param name="connectionString">The SqlConnection string.</param>
    /// <param name="fileName">The Excel file name to export to.</param>
    public static bool ExportToExcelOleDb(DataSet dataSet, string connectionString, string fileName)
            // Check for null set.
            if (dataSet != null && dataSet.Tables.Count > 0)
                using (OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(String.Format(connectionString, fileName)))
                    // Initialise SqlCommand and open.
                    OleDbCommand command = null;

                    // Loop through DataTables.
                    foreach (DataTable dt in dataSet.Tables)
                        // Build the Excel create table command.
                        string strCreateTableStruct = BuildCreateTableCommand(dt);
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strCreateTableStruct))
                            return false;
                        command = new OleDbCommand(strCreateTableStruct, connection);

                        // Puch each row into Excel.
                        for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < dt.Rows.Count; rowIndex++)
                            command = new OleDbCommand(BuildInsertCommand(dt, rowIndex), connection);
            return true;
        catch (Exception eX)
            return false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Build the various sheet names to be inserted based upon the 
    /// number of DataTable provided in the DataSet. This is not required
    /// for XCost purposes. Coded for completion.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="connectionString">The connection string.</param>
    /// <returns>String array of sheet names.</returns>
    private static string[] BuildExcelSheetNames(string connectionString)
        // Variables.
        DataTable dt = null;
        string[] excelSheets = null;

        using (OleDbConnection schemaConn = new OleDbConnection(connectionString))
            dt = schemaConn.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null);

            // No schema found.
            if (dt == null)
                return null;

            // Insert 'TABLE_NAME' to sheet name array.
            int i = 0;
            excelSheets = new string[dt.Rows.Count];
            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                excelSheets[i++] = row["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();
        return excelSheets;     

    /// <summary>
    /// Routine to build the CREATE TABLE command. The conversion of 
    /// .NET to Excel data types is also handled here (supposedly!). 
    /// Help: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/316934/en-us.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="dataTable"></param>
    /// <returns>The CREATE TABLE command string.</returns>
    private static string BuildCreateTableCommand(DataTable dataTable)
        // Get the type look-up tables.
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        Dictionary<string, string> dataTypeList = BuildExcelDataTypes();

        // Check for null data set.
        if (dataTable.Columns.Count <= 0)
            return null;

        // Start the command build.
        sb.AppendFormat("CREATE TABLE [{0}] (", BuildExcelSheetName(dataTable));

        // Build column names and types.
        foreach (DataColumn col in dataTable.Columns)
            string type = ExcelDataTypes.TEXT;
            if (dataTypeList.ContainsKey(col.DataType.Name.ToString().ToLower()))
                type = dataTypeList[col.DataType.Name.ToString().ToLower()];
            sb.AppendFormat("[{0}] {1},", col.Caption.Replace(' ', '_'), type);
        sb = sb.Replace(',', ')', sb.ToString().LastIndexOf(','), 1);
        return sb.ToString();   

    /// <summary>
    /// Routine to construct the INSERT INTO command. This does not currently 
    /// work with the data type miss matches.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="dataTable"></param>
    /// <param name="rowIndex"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static string BuildInsertCommand(DataTable dataTable, int rowIndex)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        // Remove whitespace.
        sb.AppendFormat("INSERT INTO [{0}$](", BuildExcelSheetName(dataTable));
        foreach (DataColumn col in dataTable.Columns)
            sb.AppendFormat("[{0}],", col.Caption.Replace(' ', '_'));
        sb = sb.Replace(',', ')', sb.ToString().LastIndexOf(','), 1);

        // Write values.
        sb.Append("VALUES (");
        foreach (DataColumn col in dataTable.Columns)
            string type = col.DataType.ToString();
            string strToInsert = String.Empty;
            strToInsert = dataTable.Rows[rowIndex][col].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
            sb.AppendFormat("'{0}',", strToInsert);
            //strToInsert = String.IsNullOrEmpty(strToInsert) ? "NULL" : strToInsert;
            //String.IsNullOrEmpty(strToInsert) ? "NULL" : strToInsert);
        sb = sb.Replace(',', ')', sb.ToString().LastIndexOf(','), 1);
        return sb.ToString();

    /// <summary>
    /// Build the Excel sheet name.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="dataTable"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static string BuildExcelSheetName(DataTable dataTable)
        string retVal = dataTable.TableName;
        if (dataTable.ExtendedProperties.ContainsKey(TABLE_NAME_PROPERTY))
            retVal = dataTable.ExtendedProperties[TABLE_NAME_PROPERTY].ToString();
        return retVal.Replace(' ', '_');

            /// <summary>
    /// Dictionary for conversion between .NET data types and Excel 
    /// data types. The conversion does not currently work, so I am 
    /// pushing all data upto excel as Excel "TEXT" type.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static Dictionary<string, string> BuildExcelDataTypes()
        Dictionary<string, string> dataTypeLookUp = new Dictionary<string, string>();

        // I cannot get the Excel formatting correct here!?
        dataTypeLookUp.Add(NETDataTypes.SHORT, ExcelDataTypes.NUMBER);
        dataTypeLookUp.Add(NETDataTypes.INT, ExcelDataTypes.NUMBER);
        dataTypeLookUp.Add(NETDataTypes.LONG, ExcelDataTypes.NUMBER);
        dataTypeLookUp.Add(NETDataTypes.STRING, ExcelDataTypes.TEXT);
        dataTypeLookUp.Add(NETDataTypes.DATE, ExcelDataTypes.DATETIME);
        dataTypeLookUp.Add(NETDataTypes.BOOL, ExcelDataTypes.TEXT);
        dataTypeLookUp.Add(NETDataTypes.DECIMAL, ExcelDataTypes.NUMBER);
        dataTypeLookUp.Add(NETDataTypes.DOUBLE, ExcelDataTypes.NUMBER);
        dataTypeLookUp.Add(NETDataTypes.FLOAT, ExcelDataTypes.NUMBER);
        return dataTypeLookUp;


笔记。我知道这种类型的答案是不受欢迎的,但是我花了一些时间来开发它,最后没有用它——而是转向 COM/interop。不分享太可惜了!

于 2012-05-14T22:50:45.673 回答