
该脚本运行良好,但它并没有按照我想要的方式记录。对我们的部署过程进行限制(我不是 DBA,只是一个开发人员),我们不能在文件中包含 ECHO 命令。

为了解决这个问题,作为批处理脚本的一部分,我在工作目录中创建了一个login.sql文件,其中包含“SET ECHO ON”和“SPOOL file.log APPEND”命令。目标是这将在脚本之前执行并假脱机我的输出。然而,虽然 SPOOL 命令似乎在工作,但脚本的内容并未被 ECHO。


:: Identify all files that begin with a number and end with .sql and write to a file.
dir /b *.sql | findstr /b "[0-9]" > ScriptsToImplement.txt

:: Show the user the files to be executed and confirm whether to proceed
echo The following scripts will be executed in %DB%:
for /f "delims=" %%i in (ScriptsToImplement.txt) do echo %%i
set /p PROCEED=Proceed with implementation? [y/n] ^>
if /i "%PROCEED%" NEQ "y" (goto :opt_to_terminate)

:: Build the user profile SQL file that will be executed after logging into SQLPlus
:: This allows for the spooling of the output without having the SPOOL command declared in the file.
echo SET ECHO ON >> login.sql
echo SPOOL %DB%~%FOLDER%~%DATESTAMP%.log APPEND >> login.sql

:: Go through the SQL files in the text file and execute them in the specified database.
for /f "delims=" %%i in (ScriptsToImplement.txt) do (
echo exit | sqlplus -L -S %DB_USER%/%DB_PASS%@%DB% @%%i
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (@echo an error occurred with applying %%i; stopping further script execution... & pause & goto :terminate) else (@echo %%i was applied successfully) >> %DATESTAMP%_run_all.log

我的理解是,因为这是使用每个单独的脚本启动一个单独的 SQL*Plus 会话,所以它每次都调用 login.sql 文件,因此每次都应该使用 SET ECHO ON 命令。


1 回答 1


如果您在 BAT 文件中使用它,请记住这ECHO是一个命令,而不是环境变量。打开回声的命令是ECHO ONSET ECHO ON不影响回声行为。它返回“环境变量 ECHO 未定义”

于 2012-05-15T05:25:58.563 回答