


 boolean bFileFound = false;
File  fileFound     = null;

private void findFile( File aFile, String sDir ){

    String  filePath = aFile.getAbsolutePath();

    if( aFile.isFile() && filePath.contains( sDir ) ){

              if( aFile.getName().contains( "test2.adv")){
                  Log.d(TAG, "[FILE] " + aFile.getName() );
                  fileFound = aFile;
                  bFileFound = true;

             // return true;
    }else if( aFile.isDirectory() ){

        String sDirName = aFile.getName();
        Log.d(TAG, "[DIR] " + sDirName );

        if( sDirName.contains( sDir ) ){

            Log.d( TAG, "Found the directory..& Absolute Path = " + aFile.getAbsolutePath());
            sDir = sDirName;

        File[] listFiles = aFile.listFiles();

        if( listFiles != null ){

          for( int i = 0; i < listFiles.length; i++ ){


            findFile( listFiles[ i ], sDir );

          Log.d( TAG,  " [ACCESS DENIED]" );

   // return null;

谢谢, DK


2 回答 2

 * Search file a file in a directory. Please comment more here, your method is not that standard.
 * @param file the file / folder where to look our file for.
 * @param sDir a directory that must be in the path of the file to find
 * @param toFind the name of file we are looking for. 
 * @return the file we were looking for. Null if no such file could be found.
private File findFile( File aFile, String sDir, String toFind ){
    if( aFile.isFile() && 
            aFile.getAbsolutePath().contains( sDir ) && 
            aFile.getName().contains( toFind ) ) {
                        return aFile;
        } else if( aFile.isDirectory() ) {
        for( File child : aFile.listFiles() ){
            File found = findFile( child, sDir, toFind );
                    if( found != null ) { 
                        return found;
   return null;

现在,在调用 findFile 时将“test2.adv”作为第三个参数传递。这比硬编码更有趣。


于 2012-05-14T18:58:19.557 回答



 * A {@link FileFilter} implementation that checks recursively files of a
 * specified fileName or extension string
public class FileExtensionFinder implements FileFilter {
    private final String fileName;
    private final List<File> foundFiles;

     * Constructor for FileExtensionFinder
     * @param fileName string of the filename or extension being searched for
    public FileExtensionFinder(String fileName) {
        this.fileName = fileName;
        this.foundFiles = new ArrayList<>();

    public boolean accept(File pathname) {
        // accept anything that is a folder or matches the fileName string
        return pathname.isDirectory() || pathname.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(fileName);

     * Searches recursively for all files with the provided filename/extension string
     * @param filesArray an array of files (including folders) to iterate over
    public List<File> findFiles(File... filesArray) {
        for (File file : filesArray) {
            if (file.isDirectory()) {
            } else if (file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(fileName)) {
        return foundFiles;


File fileLocation = // get your file here ...
List<File> foundFiles = new FileExtensionFinder(".json").findFiles(fileLocation);
于 2017-04-06T20:47:10.307 回答