I've got a number of SSIS packages spread across multiple projects in SQL Server Data Tools (formerly BIDS), which I want to deploy to the SSIS Catalog DB on my server.

When I want to deploy an entire project, I can just right-click the project and hit Deploy, to start the SSIS deployment wizard. However, there doesn't seem to be an option to do this for a single package only, without redeploying the rest of the packages in the same project.

Does anyone know if it's possible to deploy just a single package using the deployment wizard, independently from the others in the project?


3 回答 3


这似乎无法通过部署向导或 SSDT 实现。这个线程中的类似讨论......原始海报提出了一个(非常手动的)解决方法。

于 2012-05-15T17:37:44.303 回答

您可能还想从 Codeplex(免费工具)获得BIDSHelper 。它包含一个实用程序,允许您从 BIDS 部署 SSIS 包。我还没有使用 SSDT 测试 BIDS Helper。此外,您可能还想从 Codeplex获取SSIS 包管理器。

于 2012-05-18T18:23:10.010 回答

您可以使用 SQL Server Management Studio 导入单个包:

  1. 在 SSMS 中,连接到您的集成服务实例。
  2. 右键单击相应的节点(文件系统或 MSDB)并选择Import Package
  3. 将包位置设置为文件系统
  4. 单击包路径旁边的三个点。浏览到您的 SSDT 项目并选择要导入的 .dtsx 文件。
  5. 单击确定。如果提示覆盖现有包,请单击是。
于 2016-04-19T18:04:04.287 回答