I'd like to use LDAP authentication (precisely Active Directory) in Plone (v4), however, the uid would not be simply one of LDAP user attributes, but i have to generate it myself (construct it from various LDAP user attributes, normalize the case, ..)

What Plone component (file) do you recommend me to modify? Or, is it even possible to solve it implanting a custom function in ZMI somewhere?

(I'm using PloneLDAP / plone.app.ldap)


1 回答 1


我会认真重新考虑您的用例。Plone 中的 uid 并没有真正显示在面向用户的页面中,所以如果它不漂亮也不是问题。如果您使用 ActiveDirectory,坚持使用 sAMAccountName 将为您在以后的升级中省去无穷无尽的麻烦。


构建自己的 uid 是灾难的根源,会有一个你没有预见到的极端情况,你最终会遇到非唯一的 uid、字符集的奇怪问题或其他可预防的问题。

于 2012-05-15T09:13:01.633 回答