namespace lib;
* Short description of Crypt
* @author xxxx
* @package
class Encryption
* Short description of _ch
* handle to the mcrypt resource
* @access private
* @var $_ch
private $_ch;
* Short description of __construct
* @access public
* @author xxxx
* @param
* @return void
public function __construct( $keyData = NULL, $algorithm = \MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $mode = MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $encLibPath = '', $modeDir = '' )
$this->_ch = mcrypt_module_open( $algorithm, $encLibPath, $mode, $modeDir );
$vector = mcrypt_create_iv ( mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size( $this->_ch ), \MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM );
$keySize = mcrypt_enc_get_key_size( $this->_ch );
$key = substr( hash( 'SHA512', $keyData . $keySize ), 0, $keySize );
$x = mcrypt_generic_init( $this->_ch, $key, $vector );
* Short description of encrypt
* @access public
* @author xxxx
* @param String $str
* @return String $res
public function encrypt( $str )
if( !is_string( $str ) )
throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Attemptig to encrypt data that is not a string' );
return false;
$res = mcrypt_generic( $this->_ch, $str );
mcrypt_generic_deinit( $this->_ch );
mcrypt_module_close( $this->_ch );
return $res;
* Short description of decrypt
* @access public
* @author xxxx
* @param String $str
* @return String $res
public function decrypt( $str )
if( !is_string( $str ) )
throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Attemptig to decrypt data that is not a string' );
return false;
82 $res = mdecrypt_generic( $this->_ch, $str );
84 mcrypt_generic_deinit( $this->_ch );
85 mcrypt_module_close( $this->_ch );
return trim( $res);
$encryption = new \lib\Encryption( 'somekey' );
echo $encryption->decrypt( $safeInfo );
警告:mdecrypt_generic(): 90 is not a valid MCrypt resource in E:\htdocs\site\application\lib\encryption.cls.php on line 82
警告:mcrypt_generic_deinit(): 90 is not a valid MCrypt resource in E:\htdocs\site\application\lib\encryption.cls.php on line 84
警告:mcrypt_module_close(): 90 is not a valid MCrypt resource in E:\htdocs\site\application\lib\encryption.cls.php on line 85
PS 任何关于加密类有效性的评论都非常受欢迎。