我目前在使用 Apache Tapestry 5.3.1 时遇到以下问题:用户应该能够编辑他的个人资料详细信息并更改他的密码。对于数据,有一个“用户”实体。

我不能使用用户的 getPassword 方法,因为密码是用总是变化的盐加密存储的(使用 Apache Tynamo)。因此,我试图将值存储在两个名为 passwordValue1 和 passwordValue2 的页面属性中,并使用 bean 的其余部分。在验证时,两个密码值字段都为空,即使我输入了一些内容然后提交了表单。任何想法为什么?

        <t:beaneditform object="currentUserInfo" add="password1,password2" t:id="registerForm"
                <t:label for="password1" >Passwort</t:label>
                <t:passwordfield t:id="password1" value="passwordValue1" validate="password"/>
                <t:label for="password2" >Passwort wiederholen</t:label>
                <t:passwordfield t:id="password2" value="passwordValue2" validate="password"/>



public class UserDetails {

private Index index;

UserUtility userUtil;

private Session session;

@SessionState(create = false)
private User currentUserInfo; //value is set

private PasswordField password1;

private PasswordField password2;

private String passwordValue2;

private String passwordValue1;

private BeanEditForm registerForm;


void onValidate() {
    if (registerForm.getHasErrors()) {
            // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            // both passwordValue1 and passwordValue 2 are null here
    if ((passwordValue1 == null && !("".equals(passwordValue1)) 
            || !passwordValue1.equals(passwordValue2))) {
        registerForm.recordError(password1, "Passwords must match");
        registerForm.recordError(password2, "Passwords must match");

1 回答 1


Your validation method does not specify what you want to validate. Rename the method to onValidateFromRegisterForm

Explanation: Every field also triggers a validate event, so it gets called for each field. Those validations are triggered right after a field is set. So when the first field is set, the onValidate is called and it checks BOTH fields but of course, all the other fields were not set yet and fail the validation.

This might help: What is called when on the jumpstart page.

于 2012-05-14T08:09:17.503 回答