I have created a C++ dll for a java application. I have the dll working within the application if I launch it separately, which includes a very lengthy batch file to get all of the correct arguments. I would like to try an debug the dll that I created in Visual Studio 2010. I have tried putting the command line and arguments into the debugging property page in visual studio. Although I am not able to get the application to launch correctly.
The command line to launch the application looks like this assuming the application is ApplicationName...
start "ApplicationName" "C:\AppDirectory\jre\bin\javaw" -D sun.java2d.nodraw=true -Xms24m -Xmx128m -classpath "C:\AppDirectory\classes\;C:\AppDirectory\classes\iText.jar" ApplicationName
Any ideas on how to property setup the debug settings for this? Any ideas on where I could find some documentation on this?