Skiena 的算法设计书中,假设哈希表可以有最大m桶并且元素总数为n,观察到以下更坏情况的时间复杂度:


接班人:O(n + m)



1 回答 1


Hashing achieves constant-time search at the cost of destroying order. When I search for an element, I hash it (O(1)) and look in the chosen bucket (O(n) in the worst case if I scan linearly, as all the other buckets might be empty.)

When I want the next element after a given one, I have no guarantee that it will be in the same bucket. In fact I have no knowledge about where it is at all. Since I do not know what the successor is yet, I can't hash it to find its bucket. Instead I am forced to look in each bucket (O(m).)

If I probe items in order when scanning a bucket, I end up also doing a total of linear work in the number of items (O(n)). This results in a total complexity of O(n + m).

于 2012-05-12T23:58:31.867 回答