只需评估这个 XPath 2.0 表达式:
这是一个基于 XSLT 的验证:
<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
<xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:sequence select=
当此转换应用于以下 XML 文档时(取自您之前的问题):
<book num="myBook1">
<title>Lindsy Boxer</title>
<author>James Patterson</author>
<title>Alex Cross Is Back - Chapter A</title>
This is the
<emph>first</emph> paragraph.
<image file="alexCrossImage.gif"/>
afetr image...
This is the
<emph>second</emph> paragraph.
<image file="alexCrossImageAnother.gif"/>
afetr image...
<title>Along Came A Spider - Chapter B</title>
<title>Along Came A Spider - Chapter B - section 1</title>
This is the
<emph>first</emph>paragraph for chapter TWO section ONE.
<image file="Chapter_B_firstParagraphImage.gif"/>
afetr image...
This is the
<emph>second</emph> paragraph for chapter TWO section ONE.
<image file="Chapter_B_secondParagraphImage.gif"/>
afetr image...
<title>Chapter C</title>
This chapter has no images and only one paragraph
<book num="myBook2">
<title>Jack Reacher Series</title>
<author>Lee Child</author>
<author>Jonny White</author>
<title>Jack Reacher - Chapter ONE</title>
<title>Jack Reacher - Chapter TWO</title>
This is the
<emph>second</emph> paragraph of SECOND book chapter TWO.
<image file="Jack_Reacher_Picture_Top_Sniper_US_Army.gif"/>
afetr image...
<book num="myBook3">
<title>Alex Cross - Double Cross</title>
<author>James Patterson</author>
<title>Alex Cross - Double Cross - Chapter A</title>
对上面的 XPath 表达式求值,并将生成的节点序列复制到输出:
<title>Along Came A Spider - Chapter B - section 1</title>
<title>Along Came A Spider - Chapter B</title>
<title>Alex Cross Is Back - Chapter A</title>
至于如何使用 Saxon 9.x 评估 XPath 表达式,请阅读相应的文档: http: //www.saxonica.com/documentation/xpath-api/s9api-xpath.xml其中有一个指向完整工作代码示例的指针.
在评论中,OP 表示他需要chapter