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<title>JavaScript Patterns</title>
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/* Title: Classical Pattern #5 - A Temporary Constructor (a pattern that should be generally avoided)
Description: first borrow the constructor and then also set the child's prototype to point to a new instance of the constructor
/* Basic */
/*function inherit(C, P) {
var F = function () {};
F.prototype = P.prototype;
C.prototype = new F();
/* Storing the Superclass */
/*function inherit(C, P) {
var F = function () {};
F.prototype = P.prototype;
C.prototype = new F();
C.uber = P.prototype;
/* Resetting the Constructor Pointer */
/*function inherit(C, P) {
var F = function () {};
F.prototype = P.prototype;
C.prototype = new F();
C.uber = P.prototype;
C.prototype.constructor = C;
/* in closure */
var inherit = (function () {
var F = function () {
return function (C, P) {
F.prototype = P.prototype;
C.prototype = new F();
C.uber = P.prototype;
C.prototype.constructor = C;
function Parent(name) {
this.nameParent = name || 'Adam';
this.parentName = "parent";//this.nameParent;
// adding functionality to the prototype
Parent.prototype.say = function () {
return this.nameParent;
// child constructor
function Child(nameChild) {
console.log("parentprop:" + this.parentName);
inherit(Child, Parent);
var kid = new Child();
console.log(kid.name); // undefined
console.log(typeof kid.say); // function
kid.nameParent = 'Patrick';
console.log(kid.say()); // Patrick
console.log(kid.constructor.nameParent); // Child
console.log(kid.constructor === Parent); // false
// reference
// http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596806767.do
我需要 Child console.log 显示继承的父类的“父”,但现在,它只显示未定义。