我正在用 C# 开发一个 SNMP 实用程序,它可以使用 SNMP 版本 1 数据包格式从指定的设备 OID 获取数据。
//variable bindings
p[bytepos++] = 0x30; //variable bindings sequence
p[bytepos++] = Convert.ToByte(6 + oid_len - 1 + 6 + oid_len2 - 1); // Size of variable binding
p[bytepos++] = 0x30; //first variable bindings sequence
p[bytepos++] = Convert.ToByte(4 + oid_len - 1); // size
p[bytepos++] = 0x06; //Object type
p[bytepos++] = Convert.ToByte(oid_len - 1 ); //length
//Start of MIB
p[bytepos++] = 0x2b;
for (i = 2; i < oid_len; i++)
p[bytepos++] = Convert.ToByte(oid[i]);
p[bytepos++] = 0x05; //Null object value
p[bytepos++] = 0x00; //Null
//start of second variable bindings sequence
p[bytepos++] = 0x30; //Second variable bindings sequence
p[bytepos++] = Convert.ToByte(4 + oid_len2 - 1); // size
p[bytepos++] = 0x06; //Object type
p[bytepos++] = Convert.ToByte(oid_len2 - 1); //length
//Start of MIB
p[bytepos++] = 0x2b;
//Place MIB array in packet
for (i2 = 2; i2 < oid_len2; i2++)
p[bytepos++] = Convert.ToByte(oid2[i2]);
p[bytepos++] = 0x05; //Null object value
p[bytepos++] = 0x00; //Null