我正在尝试为我现有的对象创建一个 GeoPoint 类型。Facebook 的文档在这里并不十分出色 - 但我继续做的是创建一个新属性并将其命名为location
. 我把它做成 GeoPoint 类型并且是必需的。
<meta property="my-app:location:latitude" content="<%= @location.lat %>" />
<meta property="my-app:location:longitude" content="<%= @location.lng %>" />
The parser's result for this metadata did not match the input metadata. Likely, this was caused by the data being ordered in an unexpected way, multiple values being given for a property only expecting a single value, or property values for a given property being mismatched. Here are the input property =>content pairs that were not seen in the parsed result: 'my-app:location:latitude => 40.134537901957735, my-app:location:longitude => -75.00853989318185'
我应该如何定义这个 GeoPoint 以及我应该如何在我的 URL 中嵌入 lat/lng?这不想以我尝试过的任何方式验证它。