I have this scenario in my 3-tier app with a Service Layer that serves to a MVC presentation layer:
I have an operation that creates, for example, an Employee whose email must be unique in the set of Employees. This operation is executed in the MVC presentation layer through a service.
How do I manage the intent to create a Employee whose email is already registered in the Database for another Employee?
I am thinking in 2 options:
1) Have another operation that queries if there's an Employee with the same email given for the new Employee.
2) Throw an exception in the service CreateEmployee for the duplicate email.
I think it is a matter of what I think is best or most suitable for the problem. I propose the 1) option because I think that this is a matter of validation. But the 2) option only needs 1 call to the service, therefore its (?) more efficient.
What do you think?