The bear ate 3 snakes, then ate 50% of the fish from the river.
The bear ate snakes then ate of the fish from the river
- 有时文件包含不寻常的字符。它保存为 UTF-8。
如果你想支持 unicode 字母(as mentioned in your question)
,那么这个 perl 命令替换所有unicode non-letters
echo $line | perl -pe 's/[^\p{L}\s]+/ /g;'
$ echo "The bear ate 3 snakes, then ate 50% of the fish from the river." | sed "s/[^a-zA-Z]/ /g"
The bear ate snakes then ate of the fish from the river
echo 'The bear ate 3 snakes, then ate 50% of the fish from the river.' |
tr -c '[:alpha:]' ' '
The bear ate snakes then ate of the fish from the river
echo 'The bear ate 3 snakes, then ate 50% of the fish from the river.' |
sed 's/[^[:alpha:]]/ /g'
The bear ate snakes then ate of the fish from the river
sed 's/[^A-Za-z]/ /g;' myfile.txt