您好我正在制作一个需要随机页面生成器的应用程序,所以我想知道是否有办法在 xcode 中将随机页面生成器添加到情节提要
2 回答
if your intention is to generate random page (meaning view controllers) from a single command (e.g. Button) you can try this approach:
In the storyboard, simply link the homeviewcontroller to the numbers of random view controllers you intend to create, by pressing control-drag and select push as the segue.
Identify the numbers of segues independently, e.g segue1, segue2, ... segue100000 etc
Lastly, just key in the following coding according to your headers and implementation names;
For the header of the homeviewcontroller.h
For the implementation of the homeviewcontroller.m
-(IBAction)RandomButton:(id)sender {
NSArray *segues = @[@"segue1", @"segue2", ... ,@"segue10000"];
NSString *segueID = segues[arc4random_uniform(segues.count)];
[self performSegueWithIdentifier: segueID sender: sender];
- Now try to run it. It should work fine! Cheers.