there is an open source php project i would like to contribute by reducing some coding guidline violations. as there are about 5000 violations for a specific sniff i guess it would be appropriate to use some regex.
the coding guidline rule is called "FunctionCallArgumentSpacingNoSpaceAfterComma". this means that all arguemts should be separated by a comma followed by a space.
these example snippets violate this rule:
$this->message('About', 'Warning, very important!', $this->securityRisk().$this->alterPasswordForm(),2);
$sFiles = t3lib_div::getFilesInDir(PATH_typo3conf,'sql',1,1);
if (!strstr(implode(',',$sFiles).',', '/database.sql,')) {
can anybody help in creating a useful regex to fix these coding guidline violations? i tried some hours but i am unfortunately not capable to solve this on my own.