I need to be able to count all the NULLS in all columns of an Access 2010 table. what I mean by that specifically, is that of the 30 columns (fields) there are loads of records with partial data.

I want to count in the entire table how many are empty.

I read the article on this site titled, How to count all NULL values in table, but that referred to SQL and also, was, I am sorry to admit too complex for me.

Anyone got any futher clues?



3 回答 3



SELECT Count(*) AS CountOfNulls
FROM MyTable
WHERE some_field Is Null;

如果要在单个查询中分别计算多个字段的 Null,可以执行以下操作:

    Sum(IIf(some_field Is Null, 1, 0)) AS NullsIn_some_field,
    Sum(IIf(another_field Is Null, 1, 0)) AS NullsIn_another_field
FROM MyTable;

如果您想要所有 Null 的总计,而不是每列的计数,您可以将前一个查询用作子查询并将各个列计数相加。

SELECT base.NullsIn_some_field + base.NullsIn_another_field AS total_nulls
            Sum(IIf(some_field Is Null, 1, 0)) AS NullsIn_some_field,
            Sum(IIf(another_field Is Null, 1, 0)) AS NullsIn_another_field
        FROM MyTable
    ) AS base;

OTOH,如果您希望完全避免使用 SQL,或者只是觉得这些语句太复杂,则不需要使用 SQL。您可以DCount()在 VBA 过程中使用该函数。


HowManyNulls "YourTable"


Public Sub HowManyNulls(ByVal pTable As String)
    Dim db As DAO.Database
    Dim fld As DAO.Field
    Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
    Dim lngNulls As Long
    Dim lngTotal As Long

    Set db = CurrentDb
    Set tdf = db.TableDefs(pTable)
    For Each fld In tdf.Fields
        'lngNulls = DCount("*", pTable, fld.Name & " Is Null")
        ' accommodate field names which need bracketing ...
        lngNulls = DCount("*", pTable, "[" & fld.Name & "] Is Null")
        lngTotal = lngTotal + lngNulls
        Debug.Print fld.Name, lngNulls
    Next fld
    Debug.Print "Grand total", lngTotal
    Set fld = Nothing
    Set tdf = Nothing
    Set db = Nothing
End Sub


于 2012-05-11T17:42:30.160 回答


如果你想这样做,你必须编写一个程序来读取数据库的“元数据”,从该数据中提取列和表的列表,为每一列构建一个单独的 SQL 语句,然后执行该语句并添加您可以返回找到的 NULL 值的运行总数。

这听起来像是您可能考虑追求的东西吗?如果是这样,您应该搜索有关获取 MS Access 数据库中的表列表和获取 Access 数据库中表的列列表的解决方案,然后将该信息与您已经从有关计算 NULL 的问题中获得的信息相结合在一列中。

于 2012-05-11T18:31:35.500 回答


select count(*) from(select a from tt where a is  null
              union all
            select b from tt   where b is  null
              union all
            select c from tt where c is  null)
于 2015-12-30T18:38:25.680 回答