我正在学习 PDA 上的测试,我想知道如何设计一个识别以下语言的下推自动机:
L = {a^max(0,n-m)b^n a^m| n,m >=0}
我正在学习 PDA 上的测试,我想知道如何设计一个识别以下语言的下推自动机:
L = {a^max(0,n-m)b^n a^m| n,m >=0}
这就是我认为这将如何工作: 这是从输入中读取的符号,这是堆栈上的符号。堆栈底部的符号X意味着 n <= m 不要将X与Z混淆,Z是堆栈的初始符号,有助于确定堆栈何时为空。
最后一步是读取最终的 a符号。
state (1) : read the first batch of a symbols
state (2) : read b symbols
state (3) : read the last as
state (4) : the trailing as if m > n
state (5) is for accepting the exact string when m < n
(and just to be absolutely clear -- when there is no way of a state and the reading cursor is not at the end of the word, then the word is not accepted)
This could maybe be made a bit simpler by using adidional states instead of the stack symbol X, but i guess you can do it yourself :-)
Easiest way is probably to write a grammar for the language and then build a PDA for that. Easiest way to write a grammar is to first split the language based on that 'max' so its easier to see what is going on
L = L1 \union L2
L1 = { b^n a^m | m >= n >= 0 }
L2 = { a^(n-m) b^n a^m | n >= m >= 0 }
now rewrite L1 and L2 to make them a bit simpler ( j = m-n, k = n-m )
L1 = { b^n a^n a^j | j,n >= 0 }
L2 = { a^k b^k b^m a^m | k,m >= 0 }
these turn into very simple grammars
L1 := BA A
L2 := AB BA
AB := a AB b | \epsilon
BA := b BA a | \epsilon
A := a A | \epsilon
L := L1 | L2
now build a PDA from them -- easiest to use an automated tool, but can be done manually if you need to show all the work
I think that language L is a context-sensitive or type 1 language on the Chompsky hierarchy. I could be wrong.
Language L1 = { a^n b^n c^n : n >= 1 }
is an example of a type 1 language., and this looks pretty similar. It sounds like a trick question to me! I don't think there is a type 2 or context-free grammar or PDA that could recognize or generate L.