UPDATE: Fri 9:12:13 AM
<div id="containerdropdown">
<a class="mainNav navLink" href="" id="mainLink" onmouseover="rolloverMenu(1, 'mainMenu');" onmouseout="rolloverMenu(0, 'mainMenu');">ALL CATEGORIES</a>
<div class="rolloverMenu" id="mainMenu" style="display: none;" onmouseover="rolloverMenu(1, 'mainMenu');$('.navLink').on('tap', function(){
rolloverMenu(1, 'mainMenu');})" onmouseout="rolloverMenu(0, 'mainMenu');">
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I've just tried the above code via the answered suggestion of calling on tap within the event handler. It still doesn't allow Tap > Drop-down > Double Tap > Visit Parent Link as the demo reference link below renders. Am I inserting the tap event in the wrong place? On my Android HTC Incredible 2, the parent link remains a standard link navigating to that page without the drop-down appearing?
I'm also loading this in the head: http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.1.0/jquery.mobile-1.1.0.min.js
Original Question:
I have a website that I'm very close to publishing.
I have drop-down menus implemented across coded like:
<div id="containerdropdown">
<a class="mainNav navLink" href="" id="mainLink" onmouseover="rolloverMenu(1, 'mainMenu');" onmouseout="rolloverMenu(0, 'mainMenu');">ALL CATEGORIES</a>
<div class="rolloverMenu" id="mainMenu" style="display: none;" onmouseover="rolloverMenu(1, 'mainMenu');" onmouseout="rolloverMenu(0, 'mainMenu');">
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They work fine on Desktop, OK (But still pretty bad on iOS), and absolutely terrible on Android and everywhere else on mobile.
I want this: http://suan.github.com/make_dropdown/demo.html
But I really don't want to recode all of my drop-downs. Could anyone suggest a code tweak that could allow my drop-downs to function on tap rather then on hover for mobile as the sample above??