这是使用 asp.net mvc3 razor 上传单个文件并使用 jquery 验证的最佳方法。
我只需要用户上传 jpg,png 小于 5 mb。
这是使用 asp.net mvc3 razor 上传单个文件并使用 jquery 验证的最佳方法。
我只需要用户上传 jpg,png 小于 5 mb。
您需要使用 javascript 进行验证,这是一个示例
function onSelect(e) {
if (e.files[0].size > 256000) {
alert('The file size is too large for upload');
return false;
// Array with information about the uploaded files
var files = e.files;
var ext = $('#logo').val().split('.').pop().toLowerCase();
if ($.inArray(ext, ['gif', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'tif', 'pdf']) == -1) {
alert('This type of file is restricted from being uploaded due to security reasons');
return false;
return true;
这表示文件不得大于 256K,并且只允许 gif、jpg、jpeg、tif、png 和 pdf。只需将 256000 更改为 5000000 和您的特定文件类型
我在 MVC 3 中使用 Telerik 上传控件在剃刀视图中使用它。您也可以使用标准上传输入,只需在选择时或提交之前触发此事件
除了 jQuery 验证(非常好的 Acid 的回答),您还应该进行服务器验证。这是一些简单的例子:
@if (TempData["imageUploadFailure"] != null)
@* Here some jQuery popup for example *@
@using (Html.BeginForm("ImageUpload", "Home", FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
<legend>Add Image</legend>
<input name="image" type="file" value=""/>
<input type="submit" value="Send"/>
public ActionResult ImageUpload()
return View();
public ActionResult ImageUpload(HttpPostedFileBase image)
var result = ImageUtility.SaveImage("/Content/Images/", 1000000, "jpg,png", image, HttpContext.Server);
if (!result.Success)
var builder = new StringBuilder();
result.Errors.ForEach(e => builder.AppendLine(e));
TempData.Add("imageUploadFailure", builder.ToString());
return RedirectToAction("ImageUpload");
ImageUtility 助手类:
public static class ImageUtility
public static SaveImageResult SaveImage(string path, int maxSize, string allowedExtensions, HttpPostedFileBase image, HttpServerUtilityBase server)
var result = new SaveImageResult { Success = false };
if (image == null || image.ContentLength == 0)
result.Errors.Add("There was problem with sending image.");
return result;
// Check image size
if (image.ContentLength > maxSize)
result.Errors.Add("Image is too big.");
// Check image extension
var extension = Path.GetExtension(image.FileName).Substring(1).ToLower();
if (!allowedExtensions.Contains(extension))
result.Errors.Add(string.Format("'{0}' format is not allowed.", extension));
// If there are no errors save image
if (!result.Errors.Any())
// Generate unique name for safety reasons
var newName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + "." + extension;
var serverPath = server.MapPath("~" + path + newName);
result.Success = true;
return result;
public class SaveImageResult
public bool Success { get; set; }
public List<string> Errors { get; set; }
public SaveImageResult()
Errors = new List<string>();
ATTACHMENT:<input type="file" name="file" id="file" accept=".PNG,.TXT,.JPG,.BMP" />