my $query=<<QUERY;
select * from foo1 where col < ?
union all
select * from foo2 where col < ?
假设实际查询确实需要联合,并且无法通过其他方式有效解决。where 子句中的变量将始终相同。有什么方法可以构造它,以便我只需要传递 1 个参数来执行,而不是传递相同的参数两次?
可以尝试以下方法,我假设您将整数传递给 where 子句...
DECLARE @variableName as int
SET @variableName = ? --the value gets passed here once
select * from foo1 where col < @variableName -- and gets used here
union all
select * from foo2 where col < @variableName -- and here!
You could use the list repetition operator.
$sth->execute(($value) x 2);
with const as (select ? as val)
select *
from ((select foo1.*
from foo1 cross join const
where col < const.val
) union all
(select foo2.*
from foo2 cross join const
where col < const.val
)) t