我尝试了几种方法,但没有太多成功,所以我的 html 如下所示:

  <a href="..?ID=343">
    <img src=".." />
 <a href="..?id-343">  < - diffirence between two links is that this one has id in lowercase
  Some text..


我设法获得了这两个信息,但由于某种原因,如果我打印 links_array 我得到双链接:

数组( [0] => http://www.....net/2004/dealer_oglas.asp?id=5895417 [1] => http://www.....net/2004/dealer_oglas.asp ?ID=5895417 [2] => http://www.....net/2004/dealer_oglas.asp?id=5883006 [3] => http://www.....net/2004/dealer_oglas .asp?ID=5883006 [4]

$ch = curl_init();

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://www.....net/2004/dealer_Zaloga.asp?dealer=12321");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

    $output = curl_exec($ch);

    $dom = new DOMDocument;

    // Get images
    $images = $dom->getElementsByTagName('img');
    $image_array = array();

    for($i = 0; $i < $images->length; $i++) {
        if($images->item($i)->getAttribute('width') == "80") {
            array_push($image_array, $dom->saveHTML($images->item($i)));

    // Get links
    $links = $dom->getElementsByTagName('a');
    $links_array = array();
    $title_array = array();

   //Here i try to compare the two a that it finds i want to store only the one that does not have img element right after it but for some reason it stores both.

    // All arrays are the same size img, links title
    for($j = 0; $j < $links->length; $j++) {
        if(isset($image_array[$j]) && $dom->saveHTML($links->item($j+1)) != $image_array[$j]) {
            array_push($links_array, 'http://www.....net/2004/' . $links->item($j)->getAttribute('href'));
            array_push($title_array, $links->item($j)->nodeValue);

我尝试比较 nodeValue 的“”或“”但没有成功。感谢您提前提供的所有帮助。


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于 2012-05-10T16:13:35.193 回答