我正在实现一对用于进程间通信的类,其中一个进程将是唯一的编写者,并且会有很多读者。一类处理阅读;一个处理写作。为了防止任何其他进程成为编写器,我想要编写器类的单个对象,它在boost::named_upgradable_mutex其整个生命周期内保持可升级的锁。为此,编写器类有一个类型的成员变量,boost::interprocess::upgradable_lock在构造对象时将其传递给互斥锁。当写入器进程写入时,它会调用写入器类的 Write() 方法,该方法应该将该锁升级为独占锁,执行写入,并以原子方式将独占锁降级为仅可再次升级。

通过遵循关于Lock Transfers Through Move Semantics的 Boost 文档,我设法在我的 writer 类的 Write() 方法中实现了第一部分 - 将锁升级为独占。但是,第二部分 - 将锁降级为可升级 - 导致类型为 boost::interprocess::upgradable_lock 的新局部变量将超出范围并在 Write() 返回时释放互斥锁。我需要将该可升级锁放回我的类的 upgradable_lock 成员变量中,以便升级功能将仅保留在我的 writer 对象中。最好的方法是什么?我唯一能想到的就是在返回之前将局部变量与我的成员变量交换。代码如下所示:

using boost::interprocess;
scoped_lock<named_upgradable_mutex> my_exclusive_lock(move(m_lock));

//  do write here

upgradable_lock<named_upgradable_mutex> my_demoted_lock(move(my_exclusive_lock));
m_lock.swap(my_demoted_lock);  //  how else to do this?



1 回答 1



upgradable_lock<named_upgradable_mutex> my_demoted_lock(move(my_exclusive_lock));


m_lock = upgradable_lock<named_upgradable_mutex>(move(my_exclusive_lock));

在这种特殊情况下,swap()移动赋值运算符是可互换的,没有任何副作用,因为m_lock它处于默认构造状态 ( m_lock.owns() == falseand m_lock.mutex() == 0)。


  • 一个目标是“防止任何其他进程成为作家”。在Writer构造函数中获取锁后,代码会阻止其他进程创建Writer此外还会阻止其他进程写入。结果,阻塞调用可能对应用程序代码强加或不方便。考虑以下代码:

    Reader reader;
    Writer writer; // This may block, but the application code cannot react
                   // to it without dedicating an entire thread to the
                   // construction of the writer.


    class Writer
      bool IsPrivileged();         // Returns true if this the privileged Writer.
      bool TryBecomePrivileged();  // Non-blocking attempt to become the
                                   // privileged Writer.  Returns true on success.
      bool BecomePrivileged();     // Blocks waiting to become the privileged
                                   // Writer.  Returns true on success.
      void RelinquishPrivileges(); // We're not worthy...we're not worthy...
      enum Status { SUCCESS, NOT_PRIVILEGED };
      Status Write( const std::string& ); // If this is not the privileged Writer,
                                          // then attempt to become it.  If the
                                          // attempt fails, then return
                                          // NOT_PRIVILEGED.
  • 在该Writer::Write()方法中,如果“ do write here ”代码中的任何调用抛出异常,则堆栈将展开,导致:

    • my_exclusive_lock释放独占锁,允许其他进程获得可升级锁。
    • m_lock没有互斥体的句柄,正如在move中将所有权转移到时m_lock.mutex()设置的那样。nullmy_exclusive_lock
    • 进一步调用Writer::Write()将尝试在获取排他锁的情况下进行写入!即使m_lock有一个互斥锁的句柄,m_lock.owns()也会是false,所以转移到my_exclusive_lock不会尝试锁定。


#include <boost/interprocess/sync/named_upgradable_mutex.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/sync/sharable_lock.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/sync/upgradable_lock.hpp>
#include <boost/move/move.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main()
  namespace bip = boost::interprocess;
  typedef bip::named_upgradable_mutex mutex_t;

  struct mutex_remove
    mutex_remove()  { mutex_t::remove( "example" ); }
    ~mutex_remove() { mutex_t::remove( "example" ); }
  } remover;

  // Open or create named mutex.
  mutex_t mutex( bip::open_or_create, "example" );

  // Acquire upgradable lock.
  bip::upgradable_lock< mutex_t > m_lock( mutex, bip::try_to_lock );
  std::cout << "upgradable lock own:  " << m_lock.owns()
            << " -- mutex: "            << m_lock.mutex() 
            << std::endl;

  // Acquire the exclusive lock.
    std::cout << "++ Entering scope ++" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Transferring ownership via move: Upgradable->Scoped"
              << std::endl;
    bip::scoped_lock< mutex_t > exclusive_lock( boost::move( m_lock ) );
    std::cout <<   "upgradable lock owns: " << m_lock.owns()
              << " -- mutex: "              << m_lock.mutex()
              << "\nexclusive lock owns:  " << exclusive_lock.owns() 
              << " -- mutex: "              << exclusive_lock.mutex()
              << std::endl;

    // do write here...

    // Demote lock from exclusive to just an upgradable.
    std::cout << "Transferring ownership via move: Scoped->Upgradable"
              << std::endl;
    m_lock = bip::upgradable_lock< mutex_t >( boost::move( exclusive_lock ) );
    std::cout <<   "upgradable lock owns: " << m_lock.owns()
              << " -- mutex: "              << m_lock.mutex()
              << "\nexclusive lock owns:  " << exclusive_lock.owns() 
              << " -- mutex: "              << exclusive_lock.mutex()
              << std::endl;
    std::cout << "-- Exiting scope --" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "upgradable lock own:  " << m_lock.owns()
            << " -- mutex: "            << m_lock.mutex() 
            << std::endl;

  return 0;


可升级锁拥有:1 -- 互斥锁:0xbff9b21c
++ 进入范围 ++
通过 move 转移所有权:Upgradable->Scoped
可升级锁拥有:0 -- 互斥锁:0
独占锁拥有:1 -- 互斥锁:0xbff9b21c
可升级锁拥有:1 -- 互斥锁:0xbff9b21c
独占锁拥有:0 -- 互斥锁:0
-- 退出范围 --
可升级锁拥有:1 -- 互斥锁:0xbff9b21c
于 2012-07-05T19:02:20.943 回答