要找到执行时间,您应该在程序开始时初始化一个日期对象,然后在程序结束时将其与另一个日期对象进行比较。这将为您提供执行所需时间的整数值。然后在任何需要的地方使用这个 int(例如将它打印到控制台、文件等)
Date startDate = new Date();
//Run the rest of the program
Date endDate = new Date();
int msElapsedTime = startDate.getTime() - endDate.getTime();
如果您不需要在 Java 程序中执行与查询结果相关的任何操作,则可以使用runtime.exec()
mysql 执行查询来保持这个非常简单。这里唯一的主要缺点是您无法打印出受影响的行数:
Date startDate = new Date();
runtime.exec("mysql db_name < /home/liova/download/tpch/queries/Q1.sql");
Date endDate = new Date();
int msElapsedTime = startDate.getTime() - endDate.getTime();
要阅读 SQL 源代码,只需将其作为文本文件阅读。如果您将 SQL 的每一行作为单独的 SQL 查询,这将是最简单的,因为否则您将不得不进行一些解析和调整。这是一次读取一行文件的示例。
To run the SQL, use JDBC. Here's a tutorial on it. Items 1 through 5 will detail everything you should need for running the sql and using the results (from establishing your sql connection to running the query to processing the resultSet object that comes back). If any of these steps cause you trouble, your best bet is to ask a separate question tailored to the specific problem you are having in the process.