我正在尝试编写一个 LC3 汇编语言程序,它需要两个输入数字并打印出来x * y = z
而且可以输入两个数字,例如。10 * 12= 120
? 任何帮助,将不胜感激!:)
.ORIG x3000
AND R3, R3, #0 ;r3 stores the sum, set r3 to zero
AND R4, R4, #0 ;r4 is the counter
LD R5, INVERSE_ASCII_OFFSET ;inverse ascii offset
LD R6, DECIMAL_OFFSET ;decimal offset
;storing first input digits
LEA R0, display1 ;load the address of the 'display1' message string
PUTS ;Prints the message string
GETC ;get the first number
OUT ;print the first number
ADD R1, R0, #0 ;store input value(ascii) to r1
ADD R1, R1, R5 ;get real value of r1
;storing second input digits
LEA R0, display2 ;load the address of the 'display2' message string
PUTS ;Prints the message string
GETC ;get the first number
OUT ;print the first number
ADD R2, R0, #0 ;store input value(ascii) to r2
ADD R2, R2, R5 ;get real value of r2
ADD R4, R2, #0 ;fill counter with multiplier
ADD R3, R3, R1 ;add to sum
ADD R4, R4, #-1 ;decrease counter by one
BRp MULTIPLICATION ;continue loop until multiplier is 0
LEA R0, stringResult
ADD R0, R3, R6 ;move result to r0
OUT ;print result
display1 .STRINGZ "\nenter the 1st no.: "
display2 .STRINGZ "\nenter the 2nd no.: "
stringResult .STRINGZ "\nResult: "
INVERSE_ASCII_OFFSET .fill xFFD0 ; Negative of x0030.