我做了一个井字游戏!只是为了好玩。它有效,但不能说一旦有人赢了。我使用 .inArray 在当前板上寻找成功的解决方案。这个想法是,一旦棋盘上出现一个获胜的方块组合,就会弹出一个警报(“你赢了 Bruh”)。也许 inArray 正在将 win 数组与所选元素进行比较,而不是将 win 数组的元素与所选元素进行比较?我难住了。如果您有兴趣,请查看 jsfiddle,如果您想通了,请留下回复。谢谢。http://jsfiddle.net/QH6W9/7/
我最终使用了一个幻方并检查 3 的组合是否加到 15 中,并使用可能的组合和 MySQL 数据库实现了自学和基本 AI。我使用了第二个脚本让计算机自行运行并建立数据库。这不是最完美的代码,但你自己看看..
// TIC-TAC-TOE: //
//Good Old game. This version is meant to be a self//
//teaching system as a means to utilise and master //
//exchange between web-page, server and database. //
// Author: Dylan Madisetti
// Date: I don't remember?
var magiclist = [8,3,4,1,5,9,6,7,2]; //for humans
var squares = [8,3,4,1,5,9,6,7,2]; //Le Magic Square\\
var xs = []; //------------//
var os = []; // 8 | 3 | 4 //
var x = 0; //----+---+---//
var o = 0; // 1 | 5 | 9 //
var gameover = -1; //----+---+---//
var FirstMoves = []; // 6 | 7 | 2 //
var SecondMoves = []; //------------//
var ThirdMoves = []; //All Diagonals,rows and Columns add to 15\\
var moves = [];
var i = 0;
win = false;
end = false;
// I have a radio button for whether the human plays as x or o
if(document.getElementById('human').checked) {
humanmove("x",x,xs,moves,squares,gameover,i,magiclist,"o",o,os); //human move
ajaxmove("x",x,xs,moves,squares,gameover,i,magiclist,"o",o,os); //computer move
humanmove("o",o,os,moves,squares,gameover,i,magiclist,"x",x,xs); //human move
// AjaxMove Desc. Checks if can win or block if it//
//can't, Sends data to MYSQLtest which in turn //
//queries xos database and returns best move is //
//then used. //
function ajaxmove(status,counter,turn,moves,squares,gameover,i,magiclist,otherturn){
bestmove = 0;
if (turn.length >= 2){ //goes through each possibility
FirstMoves = turn.slice(0);
while (FirstMoves.length > 1){
FirstX = FirstMoves[0];
SecondMoves = FirstMoves.slice(1);
ThirdMoves = squares.slice(0);
$.each (SecondMoves,function(){
if (ThirdMoves.length > 0){
SecondX = this;
$.each (ThirdMoves,function(){
ThirdX = this;
if (FirstX + SecondX + ThirdX == 15){
bestmove = this;
ThirdMoves = ThirdMoves.slice(1);
FirstMoves = FirstMoves.slice(1);
if ((bestmove == 0) && (otherturn.length >= 2)){
FirstMoves = otherturn.slice(0);
while (FirstMoves.length > 1){
FirstX = FirstMoves[0];
SecondMoves = FirstMoves.slice(1);
ThirdMoves = squares.slice(0);
$.each (SecondMoves,function(){
if (ThirdMoves.length > 0){
SecondX = this;
$.each (ThirdMoves,function(){
ThirdX = this;
if (FirstX + SecondX + ThirdX == 15){
bestmove = this;
ThirdMoves = ThirdMoves.slice(1);
FirstMoves = FirstMoves.slice(1);
if (bestmove == 0){
async: false,
status: status,
moves: moves,
remaining: squares,
gameover: gameover
bestmove = data;
bestmove = Number(bestmove);
index = squares.indexOf(bestmove);
turn[counter] = bestmove;
select = magiclist.indexOf(bestmove);
moves[i] = turn[counter];
gamecheck(turn,squares,moves); //game check (see below)
if (win) {
alert ("You Lose!");
while (i <= 9){
moves[i] = "'" + status + "'";
async: false,
status: status,
moves: moves,
remaining: squares,
gameover: gameover
// HumanMove Desc. Allows human to make a move and//
//checks if they have won.Updates Database if so. //
//Also Triggers computer move. //
function humanmove(status,counter,turn,
$(".XOs").on('click', '.square:not(.clicked)', function() {
if (gameover == -1){
if (!$(this).hasClass("clicked")) {
data = magiclist[$('.square').index(this)];
turn[counter] = data;
index = squares.indexOf(data);
moves[i] = turn[counter];
gamecheck(turn,squares,moves); //game check (see below)
if (!(end)){
if (win) {
alert ("You Win!");
gameover = 1;
while (i <= 9){
moves[i] = "'" + status + "'";
async: false,
status: status,
moves: moves,
remaining: squares,
gameover: gameover
if (gameover == -1){
ajaxmove(otherstatus,othercounter,otherturn,moves,squares,gameover,i,magiclist,turn); //computer move
if (win) {gameover = 1;};
// GameCheck Desc. Runs through each possibility.//
//As data locations of divs are arranged in magic //
//square, checks if any three add to 15. Checks //
//for cat game as well. //
function gamecheck(turn,squares,moves){
if (turn.length >= 3){
FirstMoves = turn.slice(0);
while (FirstMoves.length >= 3){
FirstX = FirstMoves[0];
SecondMoves = FirstMoves.slice(1);
ThirdMoves = SecondMoves.slice(1);
$.each (SecondMoves,function(){
if (ThirdMoves.length > 0){
SecondX = this;
$.each (ThirdMoves,function(){
ThirdX = this;
if (FirstX + SecondX + ThirdX == 15){
win = true;
ThirdMoves = ThirdMoves.slice(1);
FirstMoves = FirstMoves.slice(1);
if (!(squares.length > 0) && win == false) { //if any remain
alert ("You Draw!");
gameover = 1;
moves[9] = "'c'";
$.ajax({type:'POST', //ajax to tell server Cat Game
async: false,
status: "c",
moves: moves,
remaining: squares,
gameover: gameover
end = true;
和 php 如果有人有兴趣
// 1) Connect to mysql database
$con = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$pass,$databaseName);
$dbs = mysqli_select_db($con,$databaseName);
// 2) Query database for bestmove or insert data if gameover
$gameover = 0;
$col = 0;
$status = $_POST['status'];
$moves = $_POST['moves'];
$gameover = $_POST['gameover'];
$remaining = $_POST['remaining'];
$bestresult = 0;
if ($gameover < 0){
$required = (count($remaining) * 50); //seemed large enough to make a smart move
if (count($moves) > 0){
foreach ($moves as $move){
$columns[$col].=' AND ';
$columns[$col].= '`';
$columns[$col].= ($col + 1);
$columns[$col].= '`=';
$columns[$col].= $move;
$moves = implode(' ',$columns);
$sql = '
FROM xos
WHERE status=\'';
$sql .= $status;
$sql .= '\' ';
if (count($moves) > 0){
$sql .= $moves ;
$results = mysqli_query($con,$sql); //fetch result
$results = $results->num_rows;
echo $con->error;
if ($results > $required){
if (count($moves) == 0){
$col = 1;
$reset = $sql;
foreach ($remaining as $bestmove){
$sql .=' AND ';
$sql .= '`';
$sql .= $col;
$sql .= '`=';
$sql .= $bestmove;
$sql .= ' ';
$results = mysqli_query($con,$sql);
$results = $results->num_rows;
if ($con->error){
echo $con->error ."\n";
echo $sql .":";
echo $results ."\n \n";
if ($results >= $bestresult){
$bestresult = $results;
$bestplay = $bestmove;
$sql = $reset;
$sql = '
FROM xos
WHERE status=\'c\'';
if (count($moves) > 0){
$sql .=' AND ';
$sql .= $moves ;
$results = mysqli_query($con,$sql); //fetch result
$results = $results->num_rows;
if ($results > $required){
if (count($moves) == 0){
$col = 1;
$reset = $sql;
foreach ($remaining as $bestmove){
$sql .=' AND ';
$sql .= '`';
$sql .= $col;
$sql .= '`=';
$sql .= $bestmove;
$sql .= ' ';
$results = mysqli_query($con,$sql);
$results = $results->num_rows;
if ($con->error){
echo $con->error ."\n";
echo $sql .":";
echo $results ."\n \n";
if ($results >= $bestresult){
$bestresult = $results;
$bestplay = $bestmove;
$sql = $reset;
$max = count($remaining) - 1;
$bestplay = rand(0,$max);
$bestplay= $remaining[$bestplay];
};echo $bestplay;
$sql = "INSERT INTO `xos`(`1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `5`, `6`, `7`, `8`, `9`, `Status`) VALUES (";
for ($i = 0; $i <= 8; $i++) {
$sql .= $moves[$i];
$sql .= ",";
$sql .= "";
$sql .= $moves[9];
$sql .= ")";
if ($con->query($sql) === false){
echo $con->error;
echo $sql;