所以下面的代码在 Firefox 中完美运行
<cfset timer = createTimeSpan(0,3,0,0)>
<cfcookie name = "user.ID" value = "#userID#" expires="#timer#"> <!--this will expire in three hours -->
<cfcookie name = "user.Site" value = "#userSite#" expires="#timer#">
<cfcookie name = "user.Sess" value = "#userSess#" expires="#timer#">
<cfcookie name = "user.FName" value = "#userFName#" expires="#timer#">
<cfcookie name = "user.LName" value = "#userLName#" expires="#timer#">
<cfcookie name = "user.Email" value = "#userEmail#" expires="#timer#">
<cfcookie name = "user.SiteFirst" value = "#userSiteFirst#" expires="#timer#">
<cfcookie name = "user.RoundsTotal" value = "#userRoundsTotal#" expires="#timer#">
<cfcookie name = "user.RoundsCurrent" value = "#userRoundsCurrent#" expires="#timer#">
<!-- And now we send the user off to wait.cfm where they will wait --->
<!-- Users will not head to choose their picture choice --->
<script type="text/javascript">
在 Firefox 中,所有 cookie 中的值都可以完美传递。任何其他浏览器,所有 cookie 均为空。
希望有人能在我看不到的地方看到错误。如果您想查看完整的 cfm,可以在此处进行:http: //pastebin.com/4G4wvjLd