I have this target

<Target Name = "AddLocalCertificate">       
    <MSBuild.ExtensionPack.Security.Certificate TaskAction="Add" FileName="$(CertificateLocation)" CertPassword="$(CertificatePassword)">           
        <Output TaskParameter="Thumbprint" PropertyName="CertificateHash"/>             

and in another target this binding statement

  TaskAction="Add" MachineName="$(MachineName)" Name="$(SiteName)" BindingInformation="*:$(HttpsPort):$(SiteName)" BindingProtocol="https"/>

However when I run the targets I get the error

Creating binding with certificate: thumb print 'DBE4964B4C4D0F185E8B1D421D736390AE586EBF' in stor e 'MY' C:\Projects\RC19_Release2\ExternalBinaries\MSBuildGlobalFiles\ManageWebsite.targets(154,3): error : COMException: A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated. (Exce ption from HRESULT: 0x80070520)\r C:\Projects\RC19_Release2\ExternalBinaries\MSBuildGlobalFiles\ManageWebsite.targets(154,3): error :

When I look in IIS it has created the site and the binding is there, but it does not seem to be able to find the certificate, and if I look in the "Server Certificates" on IIS then I cannot see my certificate.

If I do MMC -> certificate snap in and go to Current User then I can see my cert in there.

How do I either access that certificate from within IIS/msbuild or have msbuild create it in the correct place for IIS to be happy?

The msbuild extension help page is this http://www.msbuildextensionpack.com/help/ but it has not helped me much!



1 回答 1


Well I got it working... clearly no one cares but me :D

The substantive change was to add Exportable="True" MachineStore="True" to the certificate add task like so

<MSBuild.ExtensionPack.Security.Certificate TaskAction="Add" Exportable="True" MachineStore="True" FileName="$(CertificateLocation)" CertPassword="$(CertificatePassword)">         
        <Output TaskParameter="Thumbprint" PropertyName="CertificateHash"/>             

and all is good in the world once again.

于 2012-05-10T10:22:22.743 回答