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public function firstDayOfMonth() { $day = (int) date("w", strtotime(date('m').'/01/'.date('Y').' 00:00:00')); return $day; }
$month = 'June'; $day = (int) date('w', strtotime($month));
public function firstDayOfMonth($month) { $day = (int) date("w", strtotime($month . ' 01,' . date('Y') . ' 00:00:00')); return $day; }
假设我有一个确定以 开头的文本块,我<?php如何从原始文本中提取第一个 php 代码块?
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Reference php × 1429865 c/c++ × 756500 nginx × 49975 mongodb × 159057 mybatis × 3233 anaconda × 13410 pycharm × 14671 python × 1902243 vscode × 56040 docker × 110988 github × 49000 flask × 49129 ffmpeg × 24037 jmeter × 16910 matplotlib × 63493 bootstrap × 54641