The Haskell adventure continues.

At the moment, i am trying to construct my own Fraction type in Haskell that suits my needs. It's basically just a type Fraction{ n:: Int , d:: Int} and a lot of functions , most of them are of type x->Fraction

So what i wanna do now is making sure that fractions can only be positive, or negative in the numerator, positive in denominator, by converting any other possibilities to one of those.

      (Fraction (3 (-5))->Fraction (-3) 5
      (Fraction (-3) (-5))->Fraction 3 5

every time some function x->Fraction would return one of those. I assume there must be a smarter way to do this than modifying every x->Fraction function one by one. My guess would be already at the Fraction Type definition.

I haven't been programming for that long so i might not be completely up to beat on the technical terms.

Thanks for reading, and thanks if you answer


I decided to go with the Eq Instance solution, and just added that if Signum numerator*Signum denominator doesn't match , return false, to the guard. I had to make that anyways to divide num. and den. with HCD before comparing

The smart-constructor that i originally asked for, is also gonna be used in my Matrix nXn (Q) Module that I'm making on the same time :)

Great answers. Thanks.


4 回答 4



于 2012-05-09T12:31:00.097 回答

我实际上会让这些值保持原样并继续计算,但如果你真的想要:将定义Fraction放在一个单独的模块中,不要导出它的构造函数。相反,导出一个类似的函数makeFraction :: Int -> Int -> Fraction,它负责你的“转换”。


于 2012-05-09T12:26:20.590 回答


例如,如果您想比较两个分数数,这将通过派生 Eq 类的实例来完成(这当然需要对类型类有一点了解),您可以简单地检查一下

signum d1 * signum n1 == signum d2 * signum n2



Fraction 6 2 == Fraction 3 1


于 2012-05-09T12:31:08.333 回答


Prelude Data.Word> [minBound,maxBound] :: [Word]
Prelude Data.Word> [minBound,maxBound] :: [Int]


import Data.Word

data Fraction = Int :/ Word deriving Show

fi = fromIntegral

instance Eq Fraction where
  (i :/ w) == (j :/ v) = i * fi v == j * fi w

instance Num Fraction where
  fromInteger n = fromInteger n :/ 1
  (i :/ w) * (j :/ v) = (i * j) :/ (w * v)
  (i :/ w) + (j :/ v) = i * fi v + j * fi w :/ w * v 
  (i :/ w) - (j :/ v) =  (i :/ w) + (negate j :/ v)
  negate (i :/ w) = (negate i:/ w)
  abs (i :/ w) = (abs i :/ w)  
  signum (i :/ w) = (signum i :/ 1)


 data Fraction = {-#UNPACK#-} !Int :/ {-#UNPACK#-} !Word deriving Show
于 2012-05-09T14:20:25.003 回答