我必须在 jqModal 弹出窗口中将 asp.net gridview 与 jquery 绑定我进行 ajax 发布调用并获取列表。我需要将此列表绑定到 ajax 调用的成功回调上的 asp.net 网格。请在下面找到我正在使用的代码,在 bindGrid 方法中,我需要将列表绑定到 asp.net gridview。请帮忙!
var param = null;
$(function () {
var myBlock = $('#myBlock'); // cache jq obj
$().ajaxStart(function () {
var showModalPopup = function (container, path, leftMargin, topMargin, triggerElement, postData) {
// alert('in popup');
//(container, path, leftMargin, topMargin, triggerElement, postData) {
///<summary>This method is used for displaying remote pages in modal popup.</summary>
///<param name="container">ID of the div which is displayed as popup.</param>
///<param name="path">URL of the page which will be displayed as popup.</param>
///<param name="leftMargin">Width of left margin in "%". Used for alignment of popup.</param>
///<param name="topMargin">Width of top margin in "%". Used for alignment of popup</param>
///<param name="triggerElement">Element which triggered the popup. Used for contexts.</param>
var divBlock = '#' + container;
if (typeof leftMargin === 'undefined') {
leftMargin = '20%';
if (typeof topMargin === 'undefined') {
topMargin = '10%';
//if the 3rd parameter type is object,we would treat it as postdata
if (typeof leftMargin === 'object') {
postData = leftMargin;
leftMargin = '10%';
if (typeof triggerElement !== 'undefined') {
//Select the id of immediate fieldset of the element which opened popup.
//e.g., if "NameSearchButton" is the trigger element, find the fieldset containing this button.
var parentFieldsetId = triggerElement.parents('fieldset')[0].id;
//Store the fieldset by adding it as custom attribute to divPopup.
$(divBlock).attr('parentContext', parentFieldsetId);
$.blockUI({ message: $(divBlock),
css: {
padding: 10,
margin: 0,
left: leftMargin,
top: topMargin,
width: '',
height: '',
centerX: true,
centerY: true,
textAlign: 'center',
color: '#000',
opacity: '80',
border: '3px solid #aaa'
overlayCSS: {
backgroundColor: '#000',
opacity: 0.7
fadeIn: 0,
fadeOut: 0
if (path !== 'local') {
$(document).data('formInstance', false);
if (postData) {
$.post(path, postData, function (response) {
else {
$(divBlock).attr('IsPopupDiv', 1);
var bind = function (success) {
if (success !== null || success !== undefined) {
//Bind to the grid #ContentPlaceHolder1_grdPopUpGrid
var bindGrid = function () {
var objBind = '06'; //$('#ContentPlaceHolder1_txtBeginsWithText').val();
var conStrBind = $('#ContentPlaceHolder1_ConnStrHidden').val();
if (param == null || param == '' || param == undefined) {
drpParamBind = $('#ContentPlaceHolder1_drpSearchBy').val();
else {
drpParamBind = param;
var webMethodURL = 'testPage.aspx/HitMethod';
var newobj = { 'obj': objBind, 'conStr': conStrBind, 'drpParam': drpParamBind };
type: "POST",
url: webMethodURL,
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
data: JSON.stringify(newobj),
dataType: "json",
success: function (response) {
var success = '';
if (response !== undefined) {
if (response.d !== null || response.d !== '') {
success = response.d;
// ,error: function(XHR, errStatus, errorThrown) {
// }
var con = $('#imgSearchSpouse').parent();
var test = $('#txtPartnerNo').val();
$("#ContentPlaceHolder1_imgSearchSpouse").click(function () {
// alert('hello');
showModalPopup('ContentPlaceHolder1_Spousepopupdiv', 'local', '13%', '15%');
$('#ContentPlaceHolder1_btnSearchpopup').click(function () {