最近,我们需要检测客户端何时从服务器突然中止/断开连接。突然,我的意思是不一定通过浏览器的STOP按钮,实际上,客户端是通过 POST 发送的 SOAP 消息(使用soapUI),因此,断开连接可能就像在收到之前停止( Ctrl + C )客户端一样简单一个答复。我们花了几天时间试图找到一个解决方案,直到我们找到了解决办法。因此,这可能是一个带有隐含响应的问题,但目标是提供可以帮助许多其他有相同需求的人的信息。
ignore_user_abort(true); // Continue running the script even when the client aborts/disconnects
sleep(5); // Sleep 5 seconds so we can stop the client before it recieves a reponse from the server
echo "RESPONSE sent to the client"; // Response to the Request
ob_flush(); // Clean output buffer
flush(); // Clean PHP's output buffer
usleep(500000); // Sleep half a second in order to detect if Apache's server sent the Response
echo " "; // Echo a blank space to see if it could be sent to the client
ob_flush(); // Clean output buffer
flush(); // Clean PHP's output buffer
if(connection_status() != 0) { // Client aborted/disconnected abruptly
return -1;
else { // Client recieved the response correctly
return 0;