我有一个带有非常宽的报告表的网页——几十列,相当多的水平滚动。当我尝试使用 window.print() 打印页面时,浏览器(Firefox 或 Chrome)只打印一页并切断其余页面。




3 回答 3


Print a very wide HTML table without clipping right hand side and Print Stylesheets for pages with long horizontal tables seem to indicate you are kinda screwed if you must take a CSS only approach. The only thing I can think of might work (and yes, I tried) is something a little insane like

<style media="print">
table, table * {
table tr {display:block;}
table td {padding:10px;}

which, of course, attempts to do away with the normal table styles.

See http://jsfiddle.net/jfcox/WTRxm/ and, apparently for a printable version http://jsfiddle.net/jfcox/WTRxm/show/

Seems to work in Firefox and Chrome (that is, it flows the cells around as inline blocks for each row) I don't know what the standards say about this, though. Mileage may vary.

Edit: as a bonus, it seems it's not too hard to add counters to the cells so that you know what column a cell was in (only tested in chrome).

<style media="print">
table, table * {
table tr {display:block;
    counter-reset: section; }
table td {padding:10px;}
table td:before {
    counter-increment: section;
    content: counters(section, ".") " ";

于 2012-05-09T23:49:31.943 回答


这是为什么?你最好为打印编写一个指定的样式表,因为没有办法强制(欺骗)浏览器打印水平滚动的内容,既不是通过 JavaScript 也不是通过 CSS。


这是一篇关于在 A List Apart 上编写用于打印的 CSS的文章,以帮助您入门,祝您好运。

于 2012-05-08T19:51:23.387 回答

您可以创建一个 print.css 来设置打印页面的内容样式。将其链接到您的页面:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print" href="print.css" />
于 2012-05-08T19:50:46.810 回答