根 - 1级 - 1.1级 - 1.2级 - 2级 - 2.1级 - 3级 - 4级 - 4.1级
从这里我想建立一个菜单。所以 root 将是要单击的菜单项,并且需要所有级别来深入了解您想要获取的信息。
由于我对 C# 很陌生(不是编程),所以我想知道 .NET 是否对这项任务有任何帮助。我不想开始摆弄已经存在的代码......
下面是一些可以为您完成这项工作的代码,它假设您已经有一个名为 menuStrip1 的 MenuStrip:
public void BuildMenu()
//first we get the DirectoryInfo for your root folder, this will be used to find the first set of sub-directories
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\MyRootFolder\");//Change this
//next we create the first MenuItem to represent the root folder, this is created using the GetMenuItem function
ToolStripMenuItem root = GetMenuItem(dir);
//we add our new root MenuItem to our MenuStrip control, at this point all sub-menu items will have been added using our recursive function
public ToolStripMenuItem GetMenuItem(DirectoryInfo directory)
//first we create the MenuItem that will be return for this directory
ToolStripMenuItem item = new ToolStripMenuItem(directory.Name);
//next we loop all sub-directory of the current to build all child menu items
foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in directory.GetDirectories())
//finally we return the populated menu item
return item;
注意:Yorye Nathan 对快捷文件夹提出了很好的观点。如果您的任何文件夹是到父文件夹的快捷方式,这将导致无限循环。解决此问题的最简单方法是确保您的结构不包含任何快捷方式。假设您为此应用程序专门构建了结构,这对您来说可能是一个简单的选择。但是,如果您在用户定义的根文件夹上运行它,您将需要检查这些。
假设 .Net 3.5 或更高版本(LINQ + 可选参数),您可以如下修改GetMenuItem
public ToolStripMenuItem GetMenuItem(DirectoryInfo directory, List<DirectoryInfo> currentFolders = null)
if (currentFolders == null)
currentFolders = new List<DirectoryInfo>();
ToolStripMenuItem item = new ToolStripMenuItem(directory.Name);
foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in directory.GetDirectories())
if (!currentFolders.Any(x => x.FullName == dir.FullName))//check to see if we already processed this folder (i.e. a unwanted shortcut)
item.DropDownItems.Add(GetMenuItem(dir, currentFolders));
return item;
public static MenuStrip CreateMenu(string rootDirectoryPath)
var dir = new DirectoryInfo(rootDirectoryPath);
var menu = new MenuStrip();
var root = new ToolStripMenuItem(dir.Name);
var includedDirs = new List<string> {dir};
AddItems(root, dir, includedDirs);
return menu;
private static void AddItems(ToolStripDropDownItem parent, DirectoryInfo dir, ICollection<string> includedDirs)
foreach (var subDir in dir.GetDirectories().Where(subDir => !includedDirs.Contains(subDir.FullName)))
AddItems((ToolStripMenuItem)parent.DropDownItems.Add(subDir.Name), subDir, includedDirs);