I haven't been able to find anything on this. Apologies if this duplicates anything in existence.

I'm currently have a virtual version of Ubuntu 10.10 accessing a shared folder in my main OS (Arch Linux) to build Android. I can successfully build it and run the emulator from my virtual machine. (The make file updates my shell appropriately, correct?) When I go to my actual OS and try to run the same emulator, I get an error that states:

$ ./out/host/linux-x86/bin/emulator
emulator: ERROR: You did not specify a virtual device name, and the system directory could not be found

I have tried setting ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT to the same value on my actual computer, but I still get the same error. Is this just a simple error, or should I just stick to running the emulator on my virtual machine?


1 回答 1


这不是一个完整的答案,但我能够通过在我的计算机上创建一个 Ubuntu 分区并进入它并转发 X 显示来做我想做的事情。


设置好我的 Ubuntu 环境后,我制作了以下脚本以 chroot 进入其中(这几乎直接取自第二个来源):

xhost +

cd /mnt/ubuntu

mount           /dev/sda2 /mnt/ubuntu
mount -t proc   proc      proc/
mount -t sysfs  sys       sys/
mount -o bind   /dev      dev/
mount -t devpts pts       dev/pts/

mount -o bind   /mnt/data mnt/data/
mount -o bind   /home     home/

chroot /mnt/ubuntu /bin/sh -c "export DISPLAY=:0.0; /bin/bash -i"

umount {proc,sys,dev/pts,dev}
umount {mnt/data,home}
cd .. && umount ubuntu

然后进入你的安卓根目录($android),设置环境并构建它。启动模拟器然后应该在当前 X 会话中启动它。

cd $android
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch full-eng
make -j16
于 2012-07-27T15:45:57.493 回答