Looking at the error page you seem to be using Rails 2.3?
At a guess you have a MySQL database not an SQLite running. You should have the user name and password for the database around somewhere (replace the relevant fields in the 3 sections with them).
Change the database names to reflect your database names.
The server admins might have set a specific socket for MySQL in which case replace the '/tmp/mysql.sock' with the socket number.
Check your Gems to see if the MySQL adapter is installed (you appear to be using Rails 2.3 so try gem list on the terminal for your server - make sure that you are in the root directory for the app).
If the MySQL gem is missing use gem install to install it (this will depend on what your hosting provider allows).
The following links are pretty old - targetted towards Rails 2 which you appear to be using.
adapter: mysql
encoding: utf8
database: temp_development
username: root
socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
# Warning: The database defined as 'test' will be erased and
# re-generated from your development database when you run 'rake'.
# Do not set this db to the same as development or production.
adapter: mysql
encoding: utf8
database: temp_test
username: root
socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
adapter: mysql
encoding: utf8
database: temp_production
username: root
socket: /tmp/mysql.sock